
Is emminent domain communism? Do communist countries use emminent domain?

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Is emminent domain communism? Do communist countries use emminent domain?




  1. It's a little bit like communism, but then Social Security is a little bit like communism, and the minimum wage law is a little bit like communism, and many other kinds of government programs enacted in the last 100 years are like communism.

  2. Eminent domain is not communism, it is taking land for use by others. Sometimes the rightful owner is given a fair market price and sometimes they are given a pittance of what it is worth.

    These "others" can be the government to build a school, highway, airport etc... but it has been used to take land to be given to a private developer to make shopping malls as well.

    To take someones private land and give it to another private owner is just wrong.

    Communist countries do not use eminent domain because the government already owns everything.

  3. No, I'd say it's more along the lines of Fascism... Or Capitalism. It's taking from the MANY to benefit the FEW as was the case with the building of the new Yankees stadium. Land that was being used as public parks was taken from all of the citizens of the surrounding area and given to George Steinbrenner. And as if that wasn't enough, Steinbrenner will be receiving hundreds of millions of dollars of New York tax payers money to build his stadium as if he doesn't have enough money. It's time the American people WAKE UP and tell the George Steinbrenner's and other Corporate Giants to GET OFF OUR BACKS and PAY THEIR OWN WAY!!

    Edit: BTW, George W. Bush also used Eminent Domain to take land in Texas when he was part owner of the Texas Rangers, so the Rangers could build a new stadium, also at the expense of the Texas taxpayers.

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!

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