
Is england and ireland the same country?

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i need some info on those countries please.




  1. young r u?  no they r two different countries.  Do ur home work

  2. not at all... a good website for info is

    i've used it for every report i've ever done on any country

  3. your obviously joking or very young. some advice- dont repeat that question in front of any irish or english people- youll be in for a long argument- unless thats your aim now???

  4. England is the fourth part of the U.K. Ireland is an island right next to U.K. mainland. U.K.'s full name is United Kingdom of Great Britain(england,scoutland,wales) and North Ireland. Ireland is its own republic, but north ireland is part of the U.K.

  5. England and Ireland are 2 different countries that is like saying Paris and new york are the one city

  6. funny, lol

  7. Are u a third grader to be asking this question? I´m guessing you also think that the U.S and Canada is the same country, right? If you want info then Google it up..but I´m guessing you also dont know how to use that, right?

  8. Yes and No. Ireland is the Republic of Ireland. They got their independence from England in 1921.

    England is a country which together with the countries of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom.

  9. where are you coming from?

    Of course it's not the same country.

    There is England

    and there is the Republic of Ireland

    Only Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom these days.

  10. No, are your brother and your father the same man?

  11. scully513

    They are not the same Island.

    There is two main Island. One has the countries of Scotland Wales and England. The other is the Island of Ireland.

    Then there is plenty of smaller Island around main two such

    as the Isle of Mann.

    So to answer your question no England and Ireland are not the same country.

    English people are decent from the Germans and the French while the Irish Scots and Welsh are all Celts

    Oh and the term the British Isles has been updated to the British and Irish Isles, just like the Rugby team the British and Irish Lions.

  12. They are two completly different countries. If you want information on the countries, all you have to do is type "England/ Irland information" in the google search bar.

  13. h**l NO!!!!what an insult to the Irish

  14. No they are not the same countries. Old English is spoken in England. Its the most populous constituent country in Northen Ireland.Ireland is the third largest island in Europe behind Great Britain and Iceland.Overall, Ireland has a mild, but changeable, Oceanic climate with few extremes.

  15. England and Ireland are most definately not the Same Island. True we are both part of the same chain of Ireland but we are not the same ireland.

    The English Invaded ireland in 1171 and proceed to terrorise the irish nation of 600 years without ever braking the irish spirit  and in the late 1800's the irish started to force the english out and in 1916 ireland declared itself independent and in 1923 Ireland was granted independence by the International Conference but until this Day, Northern Ireland is still ruled by britian although this is slowly changing

  16. no..they are next to each other but no...

  17. absolutely not. however, there is a part of ireland in the north called Northern ireland that Britian rules. Otherwise, it is an independent republic

  18. No they are not the same,

    need info, thats what the internet is for.

  19. Same Island, 2 different countries.

  20. no

  21. Are you mentally retarded cause thats the only explaination i can find for your stupidity

  22. h**l NO, they are NOT the same.

    England is England, and they maintain political control over Northern Ireland.

    Ireland is a republic, independent of England, after having won a lengthy war for independence early in the 20th-century.

    One day, One Ireland shall be again.

  23. No they are not called the british isles, we in ireland do not accept that term as we are not british and it implies that irish independance did not occur owns.

    No they are not the same country.

  24. You're either from the other side of the world or from a completely other planet, even the Americans know the answer to this one (well, most of them, anyway). The Republic of Ireland separated from the United Kingdom in 1921.

    England is part of the United Kingdom and also part of what is called Great Britain, which most people refer to as Britain.

    Ireland is divided into two parts, the Republic, which is independent of England, the United Kingdom and Britain, uses the Euro; and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, uses the pound Sterling and therefore under the political auspices of Westminster in London. However, despite many inhabitants of Northern Ireland calling themselves 'British' (as is their right), Northern Ireland is NOT actually part of Great Britain.  

    This is the political situation as of today on the island of Ireland.

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