
Is england situated in great britain?

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actually what is great britain? is england situated in it? and what is united kingdom......?




  1. Um yes it is. Man I hope this is a little kid. Otherwise, find something better to do. And the UK is a country.

  2. England is in both Great Britain and United Kingdom.

    ENGLAND is one of the constituent countries that make up United Kingdom and Great Britain.

    GREAT BRITAIN is comprised of England, Scotland and Wales. Just that island alone.

    UNITED KINGDOM is comprised of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. That's why it is called "United Kingdom". It is a union of four countries.

  3. i don't know about england, but England is in great britain

  4. Are you kidding me?

  5. Great Britain was our whole empire... but that collapsed and now we just refer to Great Britain as the United Kingdom and some still called it GB.

    And England is situated in Great Britain/ United Kingdom therefore.

    GB= England, Scotland and Wales.

    UK= England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

  6. Yes. GB is England, Wales and Scotland.

  7. Visit these links:

  8. *Agrees with DS*

    Looking at  amap would be a good idea becasue it tellls you that Great Britain is England, Wales and Scotland

  9. England is great Britain and yes england is situated in it.

  10. Try looking at a map before asking such a question

  11. Yes England is in Great Britain.

  12. England is slightly more than half of the geographic area of the United Kingdom, and has over 80% of the population.

    About 97% of the population of the United Kingdom lives on the island of Great Britain, and about 3% lives in Northern Ireland.


    The names are a history lesson

      When the Romans came the people in the southern part of the island were called Britons,  Wales was called Cymru , Scotland was called Caledonia and the people were called Picts. The  Latin name for Ireland was Hibernia.

       The Romans conquered the Britons and Wales and called it BRITANNIA.

      After the Romans left in the 5th century, people from the continent called the Angles and the Saxons conquered the the island and established several kingdom including Northumbria, Ost Angelnen (East Anglia), and the Mittlere Angelnen (Mercia), and Wessex.

      In the year 927 the country was unified under the Kingdom of Wessex and became the KINGDOM OF ENGLAND after the Angles.

      In 1283 ENGLAND conquered WALES and they were referred to as ENGLAND AND WALES, but by the early 16th century the laws of Wales were so integrated with England that it sufficed to say Kingdom of England.

      When  Queen Elizabeth died in 1603,  King James of Scotland also became the King James of England unifying the crowns forever. When the parliaments were merged in 1707 the whole island became the KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN.

       In 1801 when Kingdom of Ireland was conquered the entire island chain became the UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.

       In 1927 when IRELAND became independent the formal title of the United Kingdom became THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND which remains true today. But everyone uses UNITED KINGDOM or UK.

  13. Hate to disagree with previous answers, but...

    Great Britain is the United Kingdom  (Bit like America is the USA) which includes the countries of



    Wales, AND

    Northern Ireland

    There are also several associated states such as the Channel islands, Isle of Man etc.

    Isn't it great that education feeds the masses......except geography in.......... wherever you're from...

  14. united kingdom is england and scotland and wales.

  15. Yes.

    Great Britain = Scotland, England and Wales

    United Kingdom = Great Britain + Northern Ireland

  16. Are you serious guy?????

    Thats like asking is Texas in America.

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