
Is equine pellet bedding safe for baby birds

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im handfeeding two baby afican gray parrots and i caught them eating the pine bedding and someone said to use equine pellete bedding




  1. Petsmart in Renton wa. use pellets

  2. It should be dust free. Most horse bedding is not dust free.

  3. There are types of hamster/gerbil bedding you can use. I have horses, and we use the pellet bedding it is pretty dusty if not watered down ALOT. It is fine for the horses but with baby birds being so delicate I wouldn't risk it. I know the bedding I have for me hamster says "relatively dust free" and it also says safe for birds, rabbits, gerbils, etc.

    hope that helped...and I hope you have any easier time than me with rasing baby birds lol

    **this isn't what I use but it says it is safe for hand fed baby birds :)

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