I just listened to my friend and he said that the united states is making a big mistake by urging farmers to plant more corn. He told me this
1.) other food prices will go up ( tomatoes, lettuce, ect. )
2.) Corn growth damages the land ( is this true? )
3.) Sugar cane is cheaper and more efficient than corn
4.) The only place to plant sugar cane is the mid-west, where there is nothing, so might as well plant sugar cane.
Brazil is currently using sugar cane. And If we do use sugar cane, it costs $.90 a gallon
Corn ethanol costs $1.25
My questions are:
1.) Are the facts my friend told me true?
2.) Will barrels be $200 by the end of the year?
3.) Is corn ethanol a bad idea realistically?
4.) What is our economy going to be like in a couple of years....?
Thanks in advance!