
Is etrade a trustworthy stock system? And how do you use it?

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My boyfriend and I are thinking of getting into stocks, whenever the market goes back up haha, and I was wondering if e*trade is a good way to get into it? Thanks, any advice on stock, how to do it, what to do, what stocks to get into, who to go through, would be very helpful, thanks thanks :)!




  1. Etrade is a good company to use.  I use Scottrade, myself.  As for how to get into stocks, Yahoo  finance has a tutorial.  MSN money has a stock wizard.  Also, get the book by Peter Lynch, "One Up On Wall Street."  A super guide for the beginner from a real expert.  I have been doing this as a hobby for about 8 years, and I never get tired of it.

    Good Luck.

    PS The market is starting to go back up now, and there are some real bargains out there.

  2. I am partial to Charles Schwab & Co.  They have a checking account that pays interest.   We are in a confusing market and I like the convenience of just moving to cash and wait out the storm.  In fact, as this election season approaches, I am considering a major move to cash.  The problem is not the candidates so much.  It is the uncertainity surrounding the whole process.  I lived through the Monday in October, 1987 in which the Dow lost 20 percent of its value in one day!  Panic all around.  Personally, I am afraid of enviornmental takeover of our economy.  They are scary because all they have to offer is criticism and they have a hundred "good ideas."  I fear market chaos if there is large Green election victory.  80 percent of my stocks are outside the U.S. due to the uncertainity that prevades the land.  I could see an attempt to just nationalize the "Big" oil companies.

  3. is fine, but if you know nothing stick with professionally ran mutual funds that you can buy through your Etrade account.

    Use the mutual fund ratings to guide you or buy a copy of Investor's Business Daily newspaper or get a free month subscription to see what funds they are highlighting for the day.

    Divide your investment dollars between different styles with international microcaps being the ones with the highest returns normally.

  4. etrade is a decent and established company. I have used them. is also good. A number of young traders seem to like Scottrade, but I have no experience with them.

    Keep in mind there is so sure fire "system" to make money, only commercial scam artists hawking some trading program.

    etrade has a good platform where you can enter order via multiple exchanges. That is a plus.

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