
Is every popular fantasy book that comes out now going to be compared to Harry Potter?

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I see it everywhere, and it's so annoying. Even books that are totally different, people compare them. =/

Of course, Harry Potter is a reference that everyone will get....




  1. probably cuz the success of harry potter was amazing and so if a book does amazingly, they will compare the two - like twilight and harry potter.

  2. Harry Potter is a good jumping point for book recommendations, because almost everyone has read it or knows about it. Plus sometimes it's the hype that's being compared, not the book. So people say a book is similar to Harry Potter almost as if they're hoping it will be the Next Big Thing.

    It'll pass in time.

  3. I hope not... I personally find the Twilight saga/HP comparations pretty annoying :S Nothong we can do really

  4. Well they did set the standards...

  5. Yes, because most people have read Harry Potter and very little else.  Like you said, it's a reference everyone knows.  

    Many things are compared to Tolkien too because it's both ground-breaking and well-known.  But it's a much harder read than Harry, so younger readers will rely more on HP.  

    Just start comparing everything to the Wheel of Time, lol.  No one will know what you're talking about; and if they do, they'll have stopped at the fifth book or so. -_-;;;  n00bs.  I love WoT... but that's off topic ^^;

  6. yes they are witch totally pisses me off i mean the movies are getting played out first of all and seconnd of all the books i cant even get passed the forst chapter maybe second at most without sleeping so harry potter not that great so ppl need to stop comparing that to frikkin everything get over it already  

  7. i hope not.

    i love harry potter, theyre great books, but if you compare every other fantasy book to them, every new book is either going to sound bad or unoriginal.

  8. I hate Harry Potter. eod.

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