
Is every religion valid, that is, equally true, or true for whoever believes it?

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Is every religion valid, that is, equally true, or true for whoever believes it?




  1. No, the one that listens to the Bible, and follows the word, that is the one that is most valid. There is no church that is 100% because we only have certain knowledge at this time. You have to go with the religion that is most closely aligned with the Bible and ONLY uses the Bible as it's word. Not a religion that has all sorts of man's doctrines that they follow and believe.

    You need to believe in Jesus, that he died for your sins. He is the way to God, and ever lasting life. A certain religion isn't the answer, it's reading and learning the word yourself... That way you can't be fooled.

  2. Religion is personal truth

    Science is actual truth

    Sure, my faith may be wrong but as long as I live honourably, am remembered well and contribute to the luck (well being) of my family and communities ..... I couldn't care less!

  3. No.  Thanks for asking.  A religion that talks about DC-8 airplanes being used to fly people to Earth 75 million years ago is less valid than a religion that isn't so blatantly ridiculous.

  4. Yes, in some sense.

  5. They are all equally fictional

  6. True for a given value of "true"; in short, true for whomever believes it.

  7. Yes  - all are valid to their own followers. And all are equally valid because they are all superstition and occult and all nonsense.

  8. Believing things doesn't make them true.  People have believed the world was flat.  It's not true.

  9. Yes.

    This is how any Pikan should address it, as per LL2.

    Life Light 2:

    "Accept and embrace all opposition as equal, and equally right."


    I clarify by stating a slight difference between fact and truth. We all have our own truths, what we understand to be true. Not one of them has ever been proven factual. Therefore, it is logical to assume that they all hold equal value.

    By placing this equal value on the truth of another, I am not stating that the truth that God exists is equally factual to the truth that He doesn't, as only one of these can be factually correct. But, in the absence of knowledge of this fact, we have only truths. These truths will be equal in merit and value, until the fact is known.

    Regardless of what I believe, I don't know the fact. No matter how strongly I am an atheist, that does not have any bearing on the existence of God.


    ~Loving Light~

  10. I would say that all religions are as you say valid, but there is only one [1] that will get you saved.

    Joh 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  11. If you believe in God.

  12. Isn't it clear that that statement makes no sense? That means we create our own reality. What if we tried that approach in the field of science or history or math?

  13. but but the priest who touches me inappropriately told me that only christianity is real.

  14. All religions are about equally true. They are all fantasy, in other words. Beliefs do not change reality.  

  15. Every religion is equally valid.

    To some point, equally true.

    If I state that the earth exists and is flat.

    You may counter that the earth exists and is a cube.

    Both have made equally valid statements, being as the earth exists.

    Both incorrectly stated its form, with consideration of truth, they are equal. The question may be argued by some as to which statement is more true, being as the globe compares better to a cube however a counterargument may be given that a flat circle would be closer.

    In comparison, god is considered multifaceted.

    This in mind, a person generally has different relationships with different people, such as with their spouse, children, friends, coworkers and others that they have contact with. Each of the various contacts may refer to the person in a different manner such as dear, dad, mom, Mr...., Mrs...., by first name or a nickname.

    That you exist and have some sort of relationship is valid. Which relationship is the true one with you, or are they equal with respect to the other person and the belief that it is the one that is appropriate for them with you? Which name or reference is the correct one?

    Being as each has a different relationship and way to refer to you, does that mean that you are not yourself or rather that you have a multifaceted kind of relationship potential?

    The existence or not of god and the personal belief and relationship is valid for the believer. This does not constitute a 100% factual confirmation as to its correctness other than for the individual.

    If people would respect that it is an individual path that a person chooses due to their individual experiances,understanding and personality, similar to that which they themself have with others, it would be understood that there is no "one" true way aside from that for "one" person. There are some varations due to the human factor within any group no matter how close and similar they are.

    You did ask about being valid and equally true, not 100% true, or correct for all persons. One could also consider all religions or lack of equally false.

  16. Well some people have this "every religion is valid" point of view. Oddly many 'moderate' religious people.

    But isn't the whole point of religion that there is only one and that only one is correct and will work (assuming getting to heaven is the point).

    From that point of view then youi're right, toleration if an oxymoron. In real terms the world would be a much worse place if that was teh case, no?

  17. Every religion cannot be true since they all hold that they are the only truth.  Every religion cannot be true to whomever believes it since ultimate truth cannot be relative.    

  18. its true to the person who believes it.  Truth is based on the person viewing the situation.  A person can be telling the truth as he believes it, but it may not be the FACT.  Fact is different from truth. Truth is belief.  So, yes, every religion is equally valid as a whole, what is different are the people who follow them.  What may be truth to one person, is not truth to the other.  And any religion that claims to be "THE TRUTH" for everybody is delusional and conceited.

  19. What you are asking about is known as subjective truth. (i.e.  something is true for one person but not for another. Like: which ice cream is best.)  But there are two types of truth: subjective and objective.  While subjective truth is different for everyone, objective truth is always the same (kinda like insulin).   A diabetic needs insulin to control his blood pressure.  So what if a diabetic man believed that ice cream was his medicine that he needed to take? would that control his diabetes?  You may laugh at the stupidity of the man, but the same is true with religion.  One is true.  And if it is true it excludes the possibility of another being true.  

  20. Yes-- each person has their own beliefs, and those beliefs are the ones that work best for them. So their beliefs are valid and true to them, even if they aren't right for everyone. Also, no religion has any more proof than any other religion, so in that they are all equal.  

  21. With so many direct contrasts in what so many different religions believe, it is obvious to anybody who cares to think about it that every religion cannot possibly be equally true.  Unless you want to play fast and loose with what the word "true" means, a' la Bill Clinton and the word "is."

  22. Religion and all the religions are man made concepts and foundations.

    First of all humans make mistakes, that is how it is so we have that to start with.

    Second none of know for sure who is right. No concrete proof for jesus or god (no concrete proof against god either). So in the end its left up to interpretation.

    To be honest until we die we will not know if one of our religions is right - they're all right - or none of them are!

    Perhaps the only thing i can attest to in this life is that people can convince themselves of anything so it is possible that each religion is true to each individual participant. I do not mean this in a derrogatory way to say that people need to convince themselves i only mean to say that stranger things have happened so why shouldn't this?

    Anything is possible after all.

  23. Jesus Christ started a church in 33AD, not a religion. Religion came about with Martin Luther and reformation. All Christians prior to the reformation were of the Catholic Church

    The ones telling the truth, the ones who follow exactly the same practices as the first Christians, and who have never changed their practices or beliefs. That would be the Catholics.

    Yes, and ONLY Catholics follow every single piece of what Christ commanded.only Catholics believe "everything" which the first Church believed. Check out the Church Fathers if in doubt.

    Well, if you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, God Himself and that He died for your sins, then you are Christian. But Jesus wants more than simply believing - that is why He founded a Church. He wants actions which are Christian - and one of those actions is being a member of the Church He founded. But you are not a member of the one Church Jesus Christ founded personally unless you are a Catholic.

    Protestants  broke away from the one true Church. Most of them are still Christian, but that doesn't make them 100% right. They are, to a greater or lesser extent, wrong. Only Catholics have the fullness of truth.  The Body of Christ Paul is talking about is the ONLY body there was back then - the body that all believed the same things and worshipped the same way.

    That body was the church that a few years after he wrote those lines, came to be called the Catholic church.

    Jesus established a church in 33AD and made Peter the leader of that church. Peter named that church the Catholic Church.

  24. Every valid is equally true only if every religion is false.  Christianity says Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, is the only way to God.  Islam and Judaism both say that Jesus is not God's son.  Some religions say there are many gods, others are monotheistic.  So either all religions are false, or one is true and all others are false.

    Truth is absolute, not relative.

  25. Definitely.. We all have our own beliefs that are true to us. As Lucky Bunny said.. it's different from factual truth, but it's truth all the same. When you believe something, it is true to YOU.. no matter what anyone says. Your beliefs are just as valid as my own because they are your beliefs.. they are your personal truths. I may not agree, I may point out inconsistencies and hypocrisy within your beliefs still it does nothing to affect the validity in your eyes. It's true to you whether or not it is true to me.

    I really don't think anyone has the monopoly on truth or knowledge.. we are all without knowledge equally ignorant.. We all have our own beliefs to make up for that lack of knowledge, to fill in the blanks so to speak. Not a one of us has the true facts to fill in those gaps.. we all just have beliefs which are equally valid and equally true in each of our eyes.  

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