
Is every thing predefined by god the people are confused themselves what to do to attain some thing

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and what the people are generally not getting what they want .. does the last option is compromise......




  1. Since you posted this question in the environment category, I'll assume you are thinking along the lines of whether we can actually change anything about the ultimate fate of our environment.

    It is a very dangerous thought that whatever happens is already pre-defined. It takes away responsibility and lets us hide behind God's will as an excuse for destroying his creation.  Remember that God put us here to be stewards of his garden. He gave us responsibility for what happens.

    That is if you believe in all that schlock in the first place....

  2. no

  3. No not everything is pre-defined by God.

    We have free will. He only responds to our earnest prayers that are according to what he says is right.

    But other than him answering our prayers, we decide our own crazy fate. eg: If america wants to elect a dumb president, its up to them. Its not God's fault

  4. We should not assume that God is capable of either predefining everything or correcting everything that goes wrong.

    To assume this, seeing how badly so much turns out, is to blame God for either being unwilling to do better or being deliberately evil.

    The only humble conclusion may be that God may be unable to fix everything, and wise enough to not even try.

  5. Hebrews 11:3  

    Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

  6. If you do not know the answer and you can not find the answer you look to God. Do you not think that God is getting overloaded with getting blamed for everything. To think that god is the answer is ancient mentality. Look at your History Books. All of mans' problems are of his own making and all the solutions are of mans' doing. So what is it with this God thing. There is a GOD and it has existed before man came to be with his concept of Religion.

    If you got a problem with that I am sure you will work it out on your own. If not, well, it remains your problem.

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