
Is everybody in Rome gorgeous?

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Somebody told me that if you are in Rome and even though you are absolutely gorgeous (model like..tall/long legged, slender/curvy and so on) that you aren't that special because people see it all the time there. Is it true?




  1. some people are and some are not.

  2. Many of the people I saw in Rome are average looking people.

  3. Danielle, only the women are knock-out gorgeous.  You will fit in nicely I'm sure.

  4. lol, when I went to Rome there were some that was beautiful and some that weren't. The only real difference that I noticed is that I saw fewer "heavy set" people. But, Rome probably does see allot of models from all over the world......but don't worry, it won't make you "less special".

  5. to the contrary actually, the woman here are only beautifull because more than half of them have some sort of plastic surgery done to them.very few natural beauties here!

  6. i live in rome. girls are pretty, guys are not. and italians like foreigners.

  7. im not sure what you mean by not being as special bc you are so beautiful elsewhere.  perhaps it has more to do with the feelings the city and country inspires in people. when we visited i felt even more in love with my husband bc we were in such as amazing place and sharing the experience together.  cheesy, perhaps, but thats really the only way i can explain it.  and thinking back on the people we saw while there, i dont recall seeing tons of "gorgeous" people.  everyone just sort of looked like everyone else in other parts of the world.

  8. Ha, ha. No, I think that it just seems like that.

  9. Not everybody,you should go to Firenze where I use to live,all the women are beautiful,just stunning!!

  10. I don't think they are inherently more beautiful than in other places, but it is a fact that most Italians take pride in their physical appearance, clothing, etc. plus it is a demonstrated fact that the Mediterranean diet is healthier than the typical North American diet so people are usually pretty slim.

  11. I have found it to be true that the women are more attractive, I didn't find them less special.  Actually, being a 24 yr. old single male, it just made the stay there a little overwhelming, and almost gave me whiplash by turning my head so much.  I don't think it's genetic, it's just the result of a different lifestyle.  That being - A healthier diet, bieng more active, and paying more attention to fashion.

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