
Is everybody related in a way?

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If I had a cousin, who has a cousin, who has a cousin, and so on, wouldn't we all be on some never ending chain? Also, according to the bible, If we all descended from Adam and Eve, wouldn't we all be related?




  1. according to scientific research we are all connected to Lucy, the oldest female bones found in Africa. We somehow all have a DNA link to her.

  2. well  i think we all are...even though we have different races

  3. Yes, we are all related.  For those who are agnostics or atheists, for those who believe "Out of Africa", relax.  We are all related...You don't have to go back to Adam & Eve (or for the rest of you, Out of Africa...

    Read the book:

    "Mapping Human History: Discovering the Past Through Our Genes" by Steve Olson.  Mr. Olson states that we are ALL descended from Nefertiti, Confucius and Julius Caesar.

    Also, if you do the numbers, you know that everyone's ancestors married CLOSE relatives: In less than 34 generations (that's how far away Charlemagne is from me) it would take far more people than are alive on earth today just to produce any one person on earth today. In other words, every one married a cousin (or closer).

    Hello, Cousin!

  4. About 50 thousand years ago all the ancestors of present day mankind still lived in north-eastern Africa and formed only one clan.

    So although we probably do not all come from the same man and woman, (not "Adam and Eve") we are quite possibly all related !

    Nayaisha : Until about 700 - 800 years ago nobody anywhere had a last name.

  5. Their might be a cousin who has no cousins. Although in a way we are all related because we are all humans.

  6. First of all, that story isn't to be taken literally.

    But from a scientific standpoint, it is possible to test human males (the Y chromosome) for mutations that are passed from father to son, throughout eternity...

    Through this process every living male has been linked to a common yes...everyone is somewhat related.

  7. All of these cousins would have to have a common relative where it all started and with out that common relative, there would not be any cousin who had a cousin and so on and so on.  Yes, according to the Bible, we ALL descended from Adam and Eve and Eve's name means she is the mother of all living.  Having said that, it answers your question, we are all related.

  8. About twenty years ago, a team of British scientists published an article in the journal Nature in which they showed by analyzing mitochondrial DNA that everyone on earth is descended from a woman who lived in prehistoric Africa eons ago.  (They named her Eve, of course.)

  9. I was thinking that.....what if you have the same last name as a stranger.....going back in history, where your families ever related? It only makes since

  10. Well technically we are all the same race... That doesn't mean that we all descended from two ancestors who spontaneously appeared and instantly practising incest and forced it upon their kin.

  11. ya i think so i mean it does make sence!

  12. if da Adam n Eve story was tru then i spose sorta

    but lets say the bible is rite n science is rite

    which means Adam n Eve were the first humans, but we descended from apes

    which would mean everyone who descended from apes would be related

    n everyone who came from adam n eve would be related

    however adam n eve is doubtfully tru by the was becoz the word "adam" was derived from "adamah" which actually means man/human, and god was ment to make da world in 6 days but the word we fort ment day, more specifically means "ages" which can b any length of time

    this shows for all we know, the bible could be rite, but because of all our mis-translations we have all these un-believable stories

    i know i went a bit off the subject but i hope this helped

    it prob dint but o well


    he he

  13. Genealogy DNA suggest we all go back to Africa.  Actually some believe we come from a single set of parents about 100,000 years ago.

    Bible story about Adam and Eve.  I am not going to get into that argument but it doesn't tell us specifically where Adam and Eve were.  People have speculated where it all began.  Also the English word begat. Was the word in Hebrew from which it is translated mean direct father to son or could it also be in many cases great great great grandfather to great great great grandson?  So time estimation might be off also for many people who say it was 5,000 years ago.   As far as incest. At the beginning of the human race, there was no such law about incest.  Afterall, Abraham hadn't even been born and there was no Mosaic law.

    One thing for sure if we come from one single set of parents in the evolutionary process, something unique happened.

  14. Yeah, I think that too. Believe it o not, Tom cruise is Obama's like ninth cousin. So yeah I think about that a lot and believe this is true.

  15. ofcourse we are all related because we r all gods

    but i think we truly r though. ive always wondered that to.

    i gess thats why alot of people have the same last names as others. even though we all have dif races so im pretty sure we r.

    but it would be cool if we were  we could just walk down the street and any 1 u c just say hi and automaticly there ur family.

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