
Is everyone aware that Sarah Palin is the Obama of the GOP?

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THAT is where she got on the radar...and yeah, i know it's Fox "news"...but there's thousands of stories out there along the same lines!




  1. It says she "won by a landslide in a year for Democrats".

    That is an impressive statement.

    You should also notice the date, July of 2007, so not all of us had not heard of her. She was making waves over a year ago.

    But contrary to Obama, she has done more.

    So in less time she gained more experience.

  2. Time elected to executive position

    Palin 8 years

    Obama zero

    Attendance for current position\

    Palin 20 months

    Obama 143 days

  3. She wishes...  I think the first answer is correct.  Jindal is a much better parallel for Obama.

  4. Sarah Palin is a d**k Chaney what to be.  Law apparently doesn't apply to her, it 's "my way or the highway".  She's more of the same ol oil money grubbing "good ol boy" network.

    She's pro gun, but advocates for hunting from a low flying plane? Now there is a true sports woman.

    She says she's pro-life, but supports the death penalty? She chose not to abort a child with Down's syndrome, but put that same child's life at risk by flying 8 hours AFTER her water broke in Texas, and she was in early stages of labor? (see link). Wonder what Freud would say about that choice?

    She abused her power as governor in trying to get her X brother in law fired! Maybe the guy is a s*****k, that's irrelevant, it's abuse of power plain and simple. It's the mind set of "I have power, so the law doesn't apply to me", ala Mr. Chaney.

    She fires anyone and everyone that doesn't play by her rules.  Don't think that will help "change" things in DC. Not the attitude of bipartisanship we need.

    She's been Governor of Alaska for a whooping 2 years!

    Not sure where your making the Obama connection...even via "Fox news"

  5. No

    she has executive experience, Obama does not

    She took on her own party over scandals and corruption, Obama turned a blind eye to the corruption within his party in Illinois.

  6. No, Bobby Jindal is the Obama of the GOP...

  7. The Democrats are scared of Governor Palin,,,,,they don't know how to deal with a real American leader!

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