
Is everyone aware that Socialism and Fascism are mutually exclusive political theories?

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The reason for the and the roots of Fascism was an enduring hatred of communism and socialism.




  1. complete bunk.

    they are kissing cousins at farthest apart.

    both say that the government has the right to use the power of the police to achieve some desirable outcome at the expense of individual liberty.

    what they fight about is who will be the boss of all the sheep, not whether the sheep need a boss or not -- they need one.

    the n***s were officially the "National Socialists".

  2. You are absolutely right and the reason for this error is because some get confused with the fact that n**i stands for National socialist...but what they fail to realize is that just because somebody calls themselves socialist, doesn't mean they are one, or represent the theory.  

    For example, the Soviet Union often referred to themselves as the "People's democracies"...oh so does that mean the Soviet Union was a democracy? after all they labeled themselves as such...

    Or to take a more arcane example, the leading socialist party in

    Sri Lanka is called the Freedom Party....does that mean that socialism means freedom to these people?

    You are right, they are exclusive theories with very different precepts as to how the political and economic systems should be governed.  What people label themselves is a separate issue.

    You are right, Mussolini jailed and imprisoned labor union leaders and the socialist and communist party leaders...ditto with HItler and fascists all over the claim that the two are identical or even close is ridiculous...

  3. This would mean then The U.S.A.  and The N.A.T.O.  countries were and still are fascistic  in attitude then.

    The point is within grasp if this is the question.

    This means of course that efforts to help Society  would not be of interest to those who wish to privatize things make as a result a privatized form of fascism through mercenaries.

  4. BS:  Fascism is a form of socialism.  Is a form of collectivism with state power having most control.   u dont even know what mutually exclusive means or u just not knowin truth

    Fascism is defined as corporate and government power merged

    socialism is similar collective philosophy

    both dont allow freedom

    Thas why I vote for ron paul

  5. You better tell that to the National Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler would feel foolish if he made a mistake like that.


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