
Is everyone else overreacting?

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I'm 16 years old and 5'4". Last year I used to weigh like 150 and over this year I am 118 due to the fact that I exercise constantly and have cut down on my eating habits. I usually get 4-5 hours a day of rigorous exercise, but my family just won't allow it because they think I'm gonna die from not eating enough and exercising too much. I eat enough to satisfy myself, but I don't eat something when I'm not hungry. My mom is always forcing me to eat more and always screaming at me to not use the tredmill after I have a soccer practice. Are they overreacting or do I have a problem?




  1. I don't feel like they are overracting, I just think that they care. I think that maybe your not looking at it from their stand point. That is great that you lost the weight and are feeling good about it. But now you are at the point where you can go overboard and develop a eating disorder. YOU NEED TO EAT. and if you eating healthy and exercising than you need to eat more. Because when you work out and you have no food in your system your body starts to feed off it reserve and its not fat that it gets first, its your muscle. Thats right you are going to lose muscle with this extreme exercise and little eating. Because its easier for your body to use the muscle and break it down that fat is. So you need to be putting in a good amount of protein in your body to help build that muscle and not allow your body to use it all up. THINK LONG term here and what is healthy and what is not.  I FEEL like that you are over doing it, and you need to take a break, not everyday but maybe have one day that you DO NOT EXERCISE beyond normal activity. By what you have explained I believe that you are in danger of developing a eating disorder, and you do not want to go down that road. Good Look and Balance it out more.

  2. hi. I'm the same height. I've always been active and come from a sporty family, and a year ago I upped my exercise to 6 days a week and went from 140lbs to 110lbs. My family also got worried and obviously they should be as I look underweight due to most of me being muscle. I also restricted my food. I think by you posting this you do have a problem.

    However, if you're like me in that you NEED to exercise, that's okay, just aslong as you're eating enough. You need to eat like an athlete. If you want to exercise everyday, do it, aslong as you're eating right..

  3. 118 pounds is still healthy. you dont need to lose any more wieght though, they might be over-reacting, but your eating sounds sensible. as long as you are not trying to be skinny then it's fine. 4-5 hours is more than enough, you dont want to tire yourself out.

  4. Hi there! Your family probably thinks you're too skinny because they're not used to seeing you weigh less than what you used to weigh and you're losing weight at a pretty rapid pace. When I want to lose weight, I lose about 2 lbs a week but not a pound day! That's pretty extreme so that's probably why you're family members are shocked. They're just concerned because they want to make sure you don't overwork yourself. But don't worry you're in the normal range. If it makes you feel better I have the opposite problem. I'm 5'4 and 103 lbs. I'm considered underweight and my family doesn't say anything but when I gain 5 lbs or I go into the 110 range they freak out and notice immediately and act as if I need to go to a fat camp stat!

  5. in a way i agree with everyone else because if your are getting to skinny you could become anorexia  

  6. i think its perfectly normal i am the same dont worry hunny

  7. Its hard to say if they are overreacting because they know your actions everyday and some of those may be symptoms of an eating disorder that you do not see. 4-5 hrs of exercise if not normal especially if you are exercising prior to this. Excessive exercise, constant self weighing, and losing weight daily is all signs of anorexia and should be evaluated. Its best to see your doctor and talk things over with him or her and they will give you the most accurate answer, and advice on what to do.  

  8. Being 5'4 and 118 lbs is not bad, however I am 5'10 and at my lowest I was 149. It seemed fine right? Wrong, I found myself obsessing about working out, and eating less and less. If you find yourself obsessing it's a problem. If you just like working out and eating right, then it's fine. It all depends on how you feel about it, but do listen to your mother, she only cares. Reassure her what you feel, and perhaps invite her to work out with you just to see why you love it so much.

    P.s.... I had an eating disorder... and although working out and eating right started off innocent, it progressed to a full blown disorder, so I can understand your mom's concern. Believe me, you don't want thinning hair, no muscle, and a deteriorating body darling. GOOD LUCK!

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