
Is everyone having a good Earth Day?

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Al Gore is on Oprah if you didn't know! Al is the smartest person ever! I love the Earth!




  1. I'm leaving for a vacation today in my big *** gas guzzling motorhome. I'll be towing my gas guzzling Jeep Rubicon behind it so I can go exploring. Towing that thing really kills the mileage, you know. I'll need to buy another 75 gallon tank of $4.00 per gallon gasoline to get back. While there I intend to burn lots of charcoal in the grill, and smoke cigars.

    I wonder how big of a carbon footprint I'll have left when I'm done and home?

    So yeah, I'm having a GREAT day!

    Al Gore can go p**s up a rope.

  2. Mine is green, it's raining, the greatest recycling system on Earth.

    It's Cold, unseasonably so, no global warming here since we entered the 24th solar sun spot cycle.

    It's windy, so the pollution reaching the West Coast from China is blowing toward the inter-mountain states.  Not so green for them, I guess.  But the fir trees are enjoying the carbon dioxide rich air to help them grow and to stay nice and green.

    So much for the weather report...

  3. *sigh* Don't you love the Earth? I'm having a great Earth day. Preparing projects for our university to be more aware of sustainability.

  4. yep,I drove over the speed limit in my huge crew cab truck,came home and turned every light on in the house,listened to staind,matchbox 20,and laughed at the people whom need a false feeling to make them feel better.

    Ecology is one thing,zealous leftist tree hugging is a whole lot more,than I want to know.

  5. Not really.I read the news paper made of trees.I use toilet paper made of trees.I read books and mags made of trees.

    Sure I recycle but I can't afford hybrid cars or change all the lights in the house to conserve energy.I really don't want to go back the pre-industrial age or should I say pre-stone age but would want to move forward.Maybe if the rich people behind this cause and people supporting this cause will give me money then I can help the environmet-clean air,water etc.

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