
Is everyone page for radio trivia jumping off the page when you click to answer?

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Is everyone page for radio trivia jumping off the page when you click to answer?




  1. no  problems here

  2. I'm havng the same problem.  I didn't know all the trivia radio stations shared the same server.

  3. Yeah.  US99, Chicago is stalling, jumping, etc.  I can get one, or two in sometimes.  Then it quits on me.  I'll try later to finish the rest of the answers.

  4. Yes. All day yesterday. It was fine today though. This happens to me periodically. I was told it happen's for a couple of reasons. Too many people on site at one time or the site is changing or adding something. Every time it happens I email the site to let them know. So hopefully they can pinpoint the problem & the Tech's can fix it. I have the radio station saved to my address book. So if I can't email them from the site, I can always inform them through my regular email address.

  5. My radio station is having problems with their entire website.  I can't get into it to answer anything.  Will try again after lunch.  Have several meetings this morning. Good luck. tootles

  6. My station had problems this morning as well. But it's working fine now!!


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