
Is everyone registered to vote in the primary?

by  |  earlier

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and do you think Governor Spitzer....will let those characters from Men in Black vote?




  1. Anyone who is registered to vote can vote in the primary elections.  The only catch is that some states only allow you to vote inside the party you are registered under.  For instance, if you are a registered Republican, you can only vote for Republican candidates in the primary.  If you happen to be registered Independent or Libertarian or any of the other variety of third parties out there, you may not get to vote if there aren't any candidates from your party affiliation running.  Once the general election comes up, you can vote for whomever you choose regardless of party.

  2. I'm registered as non-partisan in Nevada. So, I will have no role in the upcoming caucuses for the major parties here in my State. I'll wait until all of the "beauty pageants" are over before deciding which slate of electors I'll be voting for in November.

  3. Yes, I am.

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