
Is everyone seriously comparing Palin to Clinton?

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Clinton could eat Palin for breakfast. Hillary is a smart, experienced and strong woman. Palin is... inexperienced (2years as gov. is still pretty green) and ... well ... Miss Alaska beauty pageant 1984. That's about her claim to fame. Stop the comarisons- it's silly to anyone with some sense. Either McCain thinks we're idiots or he doesn't know how transparent he is!




  1. sexist...

  2. Yeah, well, everyone to their own opinion, I suppose.  I was sitting here thinking that it was good to have a woman running who ISN'T Hillary!  Hillary may be smart and strong, but I don't know where everyone gets the idea that she's experienced.  What did she ever do? Run for office, and change her mind on her stance every time she was speaking to a different crowd.


  3. LOL, i was so glad that dutch-bag, mcCANE, has chosen that woman to be her running mate, lol.........I thought he would choose Colin Powell.

    Thank God, he chose her. Now, I know for sure that there is NO WAY mcCANE will win.

    Obama 2008, That s who we need rght now in this country. We need Obama as president.

  4. I could eat Palin for breakfast too..but that would not be politically prudent for me..

    Palin is great..she will win..and she is hot and smart

    Clinton is just toast that was set up by Obama to crash and burn

    Hilary will stick it to Obama and will bill and bill is happy to return the compliment..but don't trust him around Sarah Palin...yum bo

  5. I havent seen anyone doing that.

    They have nothing in common (thank God)

  6. It's obvious that McCasin really doesn't understand women at all. If he thinks we are all going to line up behind him because he chose a woman as his VP candidate, then obviously the brain washing techniques of the Viet Cong worked.

  7. Hillary is a professional voter who rode the coattails of her husband into a Senate seat. Palin is an intelligent, self reliant woman who has been a Mayor and a Governor which gives her executive experience making real decisions that she has to live with. Palin is conservative and attractive which is reason enough for liberals to hate her. I am excited about McCain's pick and support them both, I hope I get to vote for Palin in the future as a Presidential candidate.

  8. Honestly. He only picked her because she won Miss Alaska. 7 Houses? Is he kidding me. Plus he has the worse views ever. Hillary Clinton is a great exapmle of a smart, independent woman. Palin. Really? What is her example? Be Beautiful, then you'll be The VICE PRESIDENT. Apperantly, we're idiots to him.

  9. So let me get this right....  If you act like a woman you aren't a smart and strong woman??!!  Makes you sound pretty stupid to me...

  10. I couldn't have said it better myself.  He thinks white middle class

    women are all stupid!

  11. Clinton has spent a life trying to attain as much power as possible. Even if it means sticking by your cheating husband to keep it. Palin hunts, fishes, is a marathon runner, plays hockey, and coaches basketball. In other words, she has the experience of the "real, real" people the Dems paraded up at the convention this week. Give me Palin any day.

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