
Is everything relative?

by Guest56838  |  earlier

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good is good compared to bad

happy is not sad

this is this because it is not that

do you get what I mean? if everything that can be measured relative to something else what is there that is absolutely true in all cases?




  1. Just because there are opposites (or contraries) that doesn't imply relativism. For instance, there doesn't have to be other colours for the colour red to exist. If everything was red then it would be everywhere, we just woudn't need a word for it. Be careful not fall into the trap of thinking that if we didn't need a word for something then that thing would not exist.

  2. all depends on axioms...but if you have axioms than there is no relativism

  3. Yes.  Not only that, those things are subjective, good to one, is not good to another.

    This is true in the physical world as well.  Cold is merely the absence of heat, dark the absence of light.  Can good be the absence of bad?  Happy the absence of sadness?  Or is there more to it?

    If you want absolutes, study math.  For everything else, as you said, its relative.

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