If we follow the Out of Africa Theory.
Then the ******* has been on this Earth for over 130,000+ years. The ******* only left Africa somewhere around 50,000-60,000 years ago. (these evolvoved into other races because of climate)
and the White man has been only been on this Earth for about 30,000-40,000 years. Yet the Entire time Blacks had the Earth to themselves there was no civilization, no written language and they basically didnt advance any higher then what the previous hominoids (homo erectus, neanderthal ect) did. Yet it took the caucasoid only 30,000 years to get to the moon.
Also it has been confirmed that evolving in colder climates (Europeans evolved in Ice Age Europe) has lead to brain growth.
my point is I dont like the theory of Evolution because not only is it ungodley but it trys to proove the intellectual inferiority of certain races.