
Is evolution valid, and are there legit alternative theories?

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Is evolution possible? Is Creationism possible? This will add some controversy...

P.S. don't come up with unique and rare things like "one of the toes on one fossilized tree frog...", ok?




  1. Evolution is possible and valid within a species. But there is no proof that one species will evolve into another species although there is speculation (as dinosaur to chicken or homo erectus to Homo sapien). The junk dna and useless appendages probably are from the Space Aliens who created us. As you  probably have noticed, we are so much different than the other mammals that have lived on this earth. Yes, I would call it "altered genetics by intellegent design" theory.

    Oh, I got the thumbs down only because I can't produce a web page.

  2. The real question is how did D N A and R N A come about?

    Did it pop up by random chance. Ill say it had to be coded.If it was coded then it required a coder.Many of the experts in most fields agree.

  3. Oh, a coded DNA or RNA needed a coder?  Hm... I've never heard anybody in the DNA repair field making that claim.  I think your bio teacher lied to you.  

    As far as alternate theories to evolution go, my old professor Ken Miller has some great videos on youtube that may interest you.   In short, alternates may have been valid about 100 years ago, but with the strength of the evidence, evolution is as close to the fact as we can get to in science.  Creationism is a tribal origin of world story and there are hundreds of those across the cultures.  What makes this one more valid than the giant sea turtle?  

    Having said that, evolution by no mean, in any way what-so-ever says anything about existence of God, gods or spiritual state of our universe.  All it says is that life is pretty d**n good at infesting every nook and cranny of available space.

  4. evolution possible? It is almost unquestionably yes! an example: vestigial mechanisms in certain biological systems. other examples would include multivariate satellites in chromosomal structures, which are direct signs of evolution

    to elaborate on vestigial structures: meaning things in vivo(living things) that exist with no apparent purpose because the purpose of the organ or etc has been weeded out through evolution, an example of a vestigial organ in humans are appendix, our ancestor used it but we dont anymore

    multivariate satellites are junk DNA of no proper use. IT is like an old shoe you use to wear but threw somewhere in the closet and never used again. DNA which had use in one point but as organisms evolve we adapt and thereby our genes change. Old DNA get "fossilized" and turned into junk DNA

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