
Is evolved the right word. Or originated from?

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Being a combination of god and primate is not evolution. It is interbreeding. The idea that a spaceman came here and interbred is far more reasonable than a monkey turn into a man. combinmation made a new being in 9 months gestation.




  1. sure.... ever seen a horse and an eagle have s*x ???

    The offspring's a griffin !!!

    Anyway the concept of what we know now is based on what is deemed possible today.

    Inherent genetic mutation seems more basic/simple and likely than your idea.

  2. If a spaceman interbred with a monkey to produce us, he would have to have been so closely related to the monkey that fertile offspring (ie humans) were possible.

    If we are truly simian/alien hybrids, how come we can't interbreed with other species to produce offspring, much less fertile ones?

  3. I don't know if it is your incoherent question, the subject matter, or both...but you don't make a BIT of sense.

  4. Evolved. Actually we are all from the Afar, Ethiopia region. The fossil record there has actually expanded. We now have 10 fossil links between monkeys and us. We are actually getting pretty close. I think it is the 4th or 5th removed hominid from Sapien that discovered and used fire. Um I think it is Homo Erectus or Homo Ergaster. We have a good fossil record on evolution but not a very good record of Space Aliens so I think you got it backwards.

  5. How is alien interbreeding more likely than evolution? Think about the odds of species from entirely different planets being able to mate and produce viable offspring.

  6. Actually, interbreeding between populations is part of evolution, but let me get this straight, are you saying that God came down from the heavens to have s*x with a monkey?? Sir, I think your suggestion is even more blasphemous than some claim Darwin's to be!

  7. Lucky the spacemen didn't interbreed with an Belgian Horse. That would actually make you look like a jackass too.

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