
Is exercise making me more fat?

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After seeing recent pictures of myself I was disgusted. So I decided to eat healthier and work out more. A month and half ago I started working out for an hour of cardio 4-5 times a week plus some light weight lifting 3-4 times a week, and evening walking 3 times a week with my boyfriend. It's been hard but I've practically cut out junk and fattening sweets except for a once a week treat, and started eating less (just taking one serving instead of two or three). I eat healthy for the most part, take a daily vitamin, and drink plenty of water. I also sleep a proper amount and have a good amount of energy through out the day. I know my body isn't going into "starvation mode" so technically it shouldn't be holding onto fat and calories, right? I am not seeing any results as far as toning up either. In fact I look and feel like I am PUTTING ON weight. What am I doing wrong here? I am not fat nor thin, but my clothes seem to be getting tighter and I don't feel comfortable in them. Also the sad thing is for some reason I looked better before when exercised less and ate badly.

Mature advice please!




  1. Try changing your routine every two weeks because the body adjusts to what you are doing.  

  2. ur probably gaining muscle

    i weigh about 5 lbs more when i train

    but keep it up n ull prolly b in good shape

  3. uhh, idk, it sounds like you should have lost weight with that already...maybe you aren't eating enough..if you exercise almost everyday then u need to keep those 1200 calories in your diet, no less

  4. So far as i know, laziness will make you more fat!

  5. when you exercise regularly the body will store more excess blood sugar in the muscles as glycogen vs. converting excess blood sugar into lipids and possibly storing it in fat cells.  this is one of many reasons why it's just as important to track the body fat % is it is the body weight.  the body fat % tells you exactly where gains and losses on the scale are occurring vs. guessing.

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