After going over 6 months without working out...and I'm 40 pounds over weight...for a week now, I've began a workout routine. I'm at the gym three mornings a week, and I exercise nearly every evening. I've increased my workout majorly...considering I wasn't exercising at all before. Coincidentally, my arms and legs have been itching since I began this routine. There are no signs of bug bites or rash, and Benadryl doesn't help. At first I thought it was dry skin, but I soak myself in baby oil after every shower, and I use a very mild soap. I'm constantly slathering on the lotion as well. I haven't changed my eating habits and the only pill I take is a multivitamin. I've had no changes in my laundry detergent or perfumes. My boss suggested that the itching might have something to do with circulation in my extremeties from the exercising. What do you think? I would appreciate any advice from health care professionals who know much about this...or anyone who has experienced something similar. Thanks so much in advance!