
Is extra marital relation ok?

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I m interested in a married lady and the same is she. we both are managing and enjoying sexual relation . Is there anything wrong . our families do not know about it.




  1. its disgstin!stop cheatin ur wife

  2. it is absolutly wrong ,illegal ,immoral and devastating. it will ruin your life unless it is consented by the husband of the lady

  3. Yesssssss its totaly wrong becuase you are lieing to yourself and your kids + familiy also infront of gods eyes you are doing a big sin and you dont ask for forgiveness i feel really bad for what your future will have in hand also if you do not feel nothing for your wife or husband just let them know break it up and do it right

  4. You are in a wrong territory!!!

    It is immoral!!!

  5. As long as your wife and her hubby get to fool around with other people and you don't care I don't see a problem.  OF course it's wrong  what is the matter with you two?

  6. its totally wrong......its a sin......u can have such relations if u r single....but fooling ur husbands n wives is a sign of an evil stoppit by now...if shez nt satisfied den she shud get herself divorced.....

  7. That is more than wrong?   It is disrespectful to your wife, and your mistress' husband.  It is a sin against God.

    If is was OK, then your families would all know about it, the neighbors and your church would know about it too.

  8. two wrongs don't make a right..why ruin someone else's marriage..truth comes out at one point or another

  9. that is what we call cheating  and yes its wrong

  10. In any case it's not ok. Big NO.

  11. at the moment u think u r enjoying, but u dnt knw u r playing with fire, u will relise when everything burnt.

  12. Its totally wrong on your part & she is into cheating.

    MsPrettieGirl25 has said quite right, think that if at all your wife had done the same thing then what would you have done? You both are not caught & hence are enjoying, but once your relation is known to this world then think of the consequences - what your family members may think & what her husband may do & may be shattered and many more things are there. B'coz these things are illegal & wrong and remember such things will be known one or the other day for sure.

    10 years age difference & not satisfied with her husband are immaterial to you & tell me why are you worrying about that? It is their problem & if at all you want to solve it then do it in a right way but you should not solve in a wrong way. Don't ruin her family & tell her to avoid all this & forget everything as a dream.

    Even now its not too late, just forget what all has happened & leave her at the earliest before its too late or bad time starts.

  13. It is totally  wrong. She cheats her husband and you cheat your family. You exactly know that extra marital relation is bad,otherwise you tell about this to your both marriage-partners.  

  14. If she is not satisfied her problem,why you risking your marriage.what about you?you have same complain or like to play boy?why cheating wife/husband?free world get out from marriage?wrong very have right to enjoy life,but you don't have right to cheat and destory some one trust.think if your wife does same thing with you how you feel?stop it today.i can tell you are good and hionest person,you hideing from wife,but you talking to strangers,[us] because inside you feel a good man/husband.

  15. You are indulged in illegal thing.

  16. shame shame

  17.   I think a human being will not do this and ask this question here: even animal's are having sense  

  18. if you do not mind your wife having extra marital relation?

  19. that's called promiscuity and is totally unacceptable.......

  20. Dear questioner,

    No one out of 20 answer gave you approval of your relation ship. Actually as society, religiously, personal character it is not good but seeing today world going towards Kalyug, it is happening everywhere and we are cheating to ourselves.

    I will not say yes or No to your relation but only one thing convey, if you are not RAM then do not expect Seeta in your life. Even if you get any Seeta in your life, You are lucky, there must be some good deep in your past.

    In our society, man, I observed can go to many women but when his wife, sister or other female relation goes to any one, he does not like, why.

    The character you are making of you, if you seem it is okay then can you allow every one in your family to adopt such character and then you do not have any ill feeling then keep on relation with married women, nothing wrong then. Just ask your heart and go ahead

  21. if anybody do with ur wife like this,are u accept?

  22. i donot agree with this point.....extra marital affair is the worst thing and i feel that the ppl who have it r worst.....if that woman is not satisfied with her hubby, she should first take divorce from him and become single, then proceed to any furthur relation.....relation with marriage is a sin

  23. It is immoral and wrong. Would u want some man sleeping with your wife? She vowed to be with that man and forsake all others. Stop before it gets too deep and u get burned.

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