
Is failure to treat a child for lice considered neglect?

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I have a friend who has a 3 year old daughter. My friend has had head lice since we were in high school together (at least 7 years). Her daughter stays with my family on the weekends and we give her treatments, as we have been doing for 2 years. We hadn't had her in almost a month, and when she came back, her head was covered in bugs again! We have tried to talk to my friend and her husband, over and over, and they refuse to do anything about it. I'm hesitant about calling child services because other than this, there is no other neglect or no abuse. I'm just getting really fed up.




  1. WOW! I really cant believe that someone would just live with lice, that someone would marry someone who lives with lice, or that parents actually allow their children to do the same!!! Poor baby! I am in agreement with the other answers that it may be time to stop having her daughter over unless they make an effort to get the lice in thier home under control. You sound like a very caring person and im sure youve even offered to help them with this but it may be time for you to just put your foot down and let her know that you are fed up with it. A 3 year old should NOT have to suffer like that! Good luck!!

  2. Maybe the best thing to do is not have the child over any more and explain to to her mother why.  Everytime you bring the child into your home not only do you have to treat her but you have to treat your household also.  It is a BIG pain in the butt.  The vacuuming, the washing of all the soft took me days to clean our house.

    I don't know if it would be considered lice since they are so common and easily contracted.  My daughter got them last year at school and we weren't allowed to bring her back until she was completely nit-free.  Once the child is in school, if the mother doesn't deal with the issue the school will definately make her.

  3. Ok this is just strange to me.. Your friend is obviously an adult.  WHy on earth would she go around with this parasite on her all this time.  Maybe they can't afford the treatments.  Ask her.  Yes this is neglect.  

    I would tell her to either treat everyone or her daughter can no longer come over and you will be forced to call someone.  

  4. Yes report her!!!! That is Neglect.

  5. It certainly should be considered neglect, if it is not.  

    I would tell your friend that your family is no longer able to watch the little girl as long as she has head lice.  Not only is it not your responsibility to deal with the issue, but it is expensive and highly contagious.  Tell her mother that you will be glad to continue watching her so long as she remains head lice free.

    If the child attends Sunday school, daycare/Mother's Morning out, or similar programs, you might be able to speak with them about talking to the parents as well.

  6. Failure to provide adequate care is most definitely neglect!  You have been treating this child for 2 years?!  Wow, i would have reported them after the second treatment.

  7. yes, call child services.  the little girls parents are giving her the idea that her health and welfare are not important.  think how she must itch at night and durning the day.  it is neglectful on their part.  they need parenting classes.

  8. You need to refuse to have her while she has head lice.

    If there is no other neglect then it would be harsh to report her, but I can not for the life of me understand why they would not just treat her??

    Head lice are disgusting little things - I hate them and could not stand the thougt of leaving them in my children's head indefniitely. Yuck!


  10. just tell them you refuse to watch her because you dont want anybody in you household getting lice as well either treat it or find someone else  

  11. i would report it, that is so sad, and disgusting that she would want her child to even go through that.. why would she even want to live like that? but if it were me, id report it.

  12. You should call child services! If she keeps scratching she's going to tear apart her skin!

    A professional came to my house to get rid of it for me & gave me great tips!

    So Tell your friend this:

    This is going to be time consuming. SOAK the hair in olive oil and put a shower cap on it. Keep it on for FOUR hours. This should kill all the live lice. If you only keep it on for 1-3 hours they will survive because lice can hold their breath for 3 hours.

    Rinse it out & begin to take out the nits with the comb. Go through your hair EVERY night till you're sure you don't have any more eggs. If you see lice in about a week, do it all over again.

    Also, there's no need to bag everything for THREE weeks. All you do is wash your sheets & everything you were in contact with in HOT water, and then in the dryer (on hot) for 30 minutes at least.

    If you can't wash it ( like teddy bears) vacuum it good.

    If the item can't be vacuumed/washed, put it aside for 24-48 hours because lice cannot live off the human head for more than 2 days.

    Good luck!

    P.S when you hear that you need to bag things for THREE weeks. It's a bunch of bull. Just 24-48 hours is it.  

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