
Is faith something you can will yourself to have?

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Is faith something you can will yourself to have?




  1. Faith is a gift from God and is available to all who love and seek the truth.

  2. Magic Eight Ball says:

    Outlook not so good.

  3. Not to the strict definition.

    I have colloquial "faith" like having "faith" my friends will catch me if I fall.

  4. Nope, faith is like awsomeness, you've either got it or you don't.

  5. Yes, you can. the same applies to delusion.

  6. Faith comes by hearing, & hearing by the word of God.

  7. No. As a human with a fallen nature as desrcibed in the bible, faith is the last thing one can "will" themselves to have. In fact, most people spend an entire lifetime trying to avoid having faith at all costs.

  8. You can convince yourself or brainwash yourself into thinking nearly whatever you want.  But why would you?  That's not "faith".

    Most people think that you have faith and then you can see or know God.  Really, it works the other way around.  You have the experience of God--the result is faith.  It's not "believing in God" is the simple knowing of God, because you've already had the experience.

    If you want faith, seek the experience of God.

  9. I think most people make themselves believe that there is someone or something out there that can just make everything better. I don't believe in such thing's.  

  10. It's instinctual, and some people choose to deny it.

  11. Faith, by definition, is accepting that something is true because of trust in the source of the information.

    Every day, people accept or reject information because of their trust or lack of trust. Generally, if you WANT to trust someone's word it will be easier to do so.

  12. Yes, you can will yourself to have faith. But, I am not referring to blind faith. There is a big difference.  +?+  

  13. At 12 am, you know its day time. And 12 pm is dark. If you live in a cell with no windows to see what time it is, and someone come and say its 12 am, you will definitely assume its daytime. Why? you didn't see it with your eyes.

  14. Its the only way to have it.

  15. This is to "Its me", if it's 12am then it's night-time and if it's 12pm then it's day-time.

  16. people believe what they WANT/NEED to believe

    so, yes

  17. You can't make yourself believe something. You either do or you don't. People can change belief such as an Atheist becoming Christian or vice versa, or someone changing religion, but this is usually done naturally and because that belief system makes more sense. You can't make yourself have faith.

  18. Faith is something God Wills you to have. You alone do not inspire faith, only God blesses you with the gifts of Faith Hope and Charity. These are virtues bestowed on us through His divine will.

    If you believe in God you already have Faith, you can strengthen the Faith you already have through prayer and good works.

    Pray the Rosary and receive the Sacraments for the Glory of God in the Highest.

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