
Is family member being poisoned or have medical condition?

by Guest57455  |  earlier

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Someone in my family has been having lots of problems and has been going to the doctor for months, and cant seem to find anything wrong.

His symptoms are: high white blood cell count, forgetfullness, dizziness, weak, kidney problems, really skinny, blood in urine, no energy, and confused? Does he have a medical condition that the doctors arent seeing or is he possibly being poisioned by something.




  1. My aunt had those same symptoms, and the doctors said it was MS. we all had our doubts b/c she was planning on leaving her husband. we did find an empty box of rat poision in the house, when she died her husband would not let them do an autopsy, and had her creamated immediatly. Within 2 months he was married and moved out of state, never to see any of us again, barely even speaks to his children. we have no proof, but strong feelings.  

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