
Is fast food and unos and chills (all of those resurants)really that bad for u?

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Is fast food and unos and chills (all of those resurants)really that bad for u?




  1. If you *constantly* buy some of the main fast food offerings, like burger, fries, soda, and you have the typical metabolism and/or sedentary lifestyle of most Americans, then you get far more carbs and fat than your body can handle.  If you go to a real restaurant and order the typical platter or dinner, you will be given a more balanced meal, but it will likely be too much of mostly everything.  

    If you chose carefully, and include kids' meals in your selection, you can probably eat out every day and eat healthy (unless you're chemical-sensitive, b/c of pestacides/fertalizers on the vegetables, and preservatives in many other foods). Get mini deserts! Cheese cake is filling, and keeps you from feeling hungry again as soon, so if you use it right, a mini-cheesecake can be better for you than a large pudding/parfait.

  2. ummmmmm yyeeaahh!!

  3. the salads are good for you.


  4. I dont see how the baked chicken at unos is bad for you. Who is to say that the groceries you buy at the store are not bad for you. I think it is up to the person and common sense. Of course your not going to get the fried chicken and ask if thats good for you but when you get a pasta primevera with a side salad, there is no harm done.

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