
Is fast food cooked with hatred and malice?

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You would think that most fast food employees hate their job.

With that in mind, do they transfer that negative ill will into the food they prepare? I had this really bad feeling biting into a breakfast sandwich from one of these places... has anyone else felt this way?




  1. i dont think people's emotions can some how get into your food.. i wouldnt worry about it

  2. Well if you feel this way, fix your food you eat at your house. Or try working the job yourself.

  3. I've worked at many-a-fast food establishment and although there could be really rude, picky, obnoxious customers we never EVER did anything to their food. Rest assured had I ever seen anyone do anything like that I'd report them IMMEDIATLY. (I'm quite the obsessive compulsive germaphobe.)

    However, I do work at a local internet service provider now. I take care of some of the billing, but mostly tech. support. We have logs of all the calls we take and if someone is a complete ****** to us, we DO make note of it....also if we have a list of voicemails to go through and return, the jerks get called last, no matter what their problem is.

    Anyways, some workers out there are always grumpy and there's no helping that, but be nice to the lowly techhie that's REALLY trying to help you, unless you want to be called back the following day!

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