
Is fast food more expensive in Canada than in the US?

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Is fast food more expensive in Canada than the US?




  1. You guys are funnyyyyyyyyy!  Different currency, yes...kinda, but not a different currency system and "Looney" is a nickname, like "buck" there's a Loon on one side, "Twooney" just rhymed.  Much to contrary of apparent common belief, our dollar is worth less in general, we don't generally get paid more (atleast not enough to make up for the enequity in dollar value) and YES our fastfood costs more.  In the US the WHiplash Whopper meal is $6, here the burger is $6 by itself, even after the exchange rate, we get screwed, even when our dollar was par with US, our prices were still way more, it's BS to be sure.....

  2.  I just did a test with Pizza hut online ordering (US vs Canada).

    Large meat lovers pan pizza in US (Buffalo) - $13

    Large meat lovers pan pizza in Canada (London) - $20.99

    Yes, that's a different of $8 for the same pizza... that's ridiculous.  FU pizza hut.

  3. It's a lot diffent supplying large food chains in the US as opposed to Canada. For tax and logistical reasons a company like Pizza Hut will have an American Company and a Canadian Company. Since the American company can purchase raw ingredients on a much larger scale, their prices will be lower up front which eventually passes on to the consumer; also there is more competition in the states, forcing latge companies to accept a lower profit margin in order to solidify their market share. I'm talking about large pizza conglomerates, not local pizza stores.

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