
Is fast food really bad?

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Ok well I was wondering, what is so bad about fast food? For example say I was to eat 2 slices of pizza from papa johns. Each one is 270 calories. If I burn them off, am I really doing any harm to my self? I have the same question about ice cream and frozen pizza. For example say the frozen pizza I eat has 350calories. If I were to eat one everyday but burn off the calories, am I doing harm to my self?




  1. There is always a way around something.  Each food has a different character, each character needs special attention.  In the fast food case they are usually talking about oils the food is cooked in.  Though you may work it off chances are oils are harder to let go, just as sugars, or anything white (rice, sugar, white bread, etc.)  Pizza actually has many ingredients of the daily food chain. What I dont understand is doctors talk about eating healthy yet they do not talk much about drinking.  (as was on Oprah) Did you know that the ice used in your fountain drink is more contaminated than toilet water? sorry just wanted to throw that in.

  2. A resounding yes it is bad for you.  Unless you don't mind obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes.

  3. Pizza Is Not As Bad...Unless Its Smothered In Grease...

    Fast Food Like McDonalds And Burger King Are Bad Because Of All The Preservatives...

  4. Fast Food is bad for your Health. Not only is it high in calories, but high in salt, sugar, fat, cholesterol & artficial ingredients.

  5. Fast food is bad for you, go to a better restaurant or cook your own food...

  6. 1st off, pizza is bad because i've never known a place to use low-fat cheese for pizza and cheese is LOADED with fat. sad but true, because i'm a pizza lover myself. just because you don't see the grease in it doesn't make it "good". frozen pizza has tons of sodium, so just because you burn off the fat, it doesn't mean you aren't doing any damage to your heart in the long run. most frozen pizzas are also supposed to be shared (even the smaller ones) so when you eat a whole one (which most of us do- especially the totino's which are the size of a dinner plate but a serving size is only half of one) you're getting TWICE the fat and sodium than you thought you were getting if you glance at the nutrition info. secondly, watch the documentary "supersize me". i honestly didn't eat mcdonald's for a full year after seeing it. it doesn't only attack mcdonald's it talks about unhealthy foods all around. i'm far from being a health nut, but if you do the research, you'll find that marketers are well aware of the long term affects of unhealthy food on americans, they just don't care or they choose not to share the info with the buying public. i noticed that for the link you posted, there is no nutritional information on that site. believe me when i tell you, that is not a coinicidence. fast food salads are unhealthy because the dressings have tons of salt and fat and many times they are just as unhealthy (and sometimes even moreso than burgers). the same thing applies to chicken. many people think that fast food chicken is healthier than beef, but sadly it isn't. if you're trying to do healthy, i'm sad to say it, but stick to subway and avoid sugary drinks. i'm an actual junk food addict myself so i wish i could tell you that even a few fast food options are healthy, but sadly, the overwhelming majority are not. i've learned to just start cooking a lot of food ahead of time and to just warm it up when i get hungry. its not quite as cheap as the $1.25 pizzas (and sometimes i do still splurge and get them to spoil myself) but its a lot healthier than frozen dinners.

    p.s. i SWORE to myself that i would never be the person to post a super long answer, but i found this nutritional info on a celeste frozen pizza. enjoy- or cringe.

    Pizza For One, Original 4 Cheese Pizza has 400 calories and 162 fat calories. it has 1020 mg  (43% of your recommended intake) of sodium.

    To burn the calories in this food you could do any of the following:

    110 mins of walking

    45 mins of jogging

    33 mins of swimming

    61 mins of cycling  (and that's just burning off one pizza)

    and the Pizza For One, Sausage & Pepperoni has 470 calories, 1370 mg of sodium, with 57% your recommended intake of sodium.

    To burn the calories in this food you could do any of the following:

    129 mins of walking

    53 mins of jogging

    39 mins of swimming

    71 mins of cycling

    after all of this, i hate to sound preachy, but i HATE when people give incorrect information about nutrition. of course you are free to eat what you want, but take into consideration what the long term affects will be on your body. i'm sure you don't just eat one pizza 3 times a day, so eating these in combination with a diet of fast food can really lead to diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. good luck with whatever choices you make.

    *edit* as one junk food lover to another, thanks for the love. ;)

  7. well we all know its bad for us since the mocie Super Size Me came out, gaining weight was the last thing on his mind, the doctors ordered hi to stop eating mcdonalds IMMEDIETLY.. SO YEA

  8. Fast food, is no good for your system , it does a lot of harm also it causes sickness , cause it is not cooked like home cooked food,before people use to live longer, cause they eat home cooked food,now people are living a shorter life due to fast food

  9. You can burn off the calories but that doesn't mean you can burn off all the other harmful ingredients that are in fast food.  Stick with Subway instead if you have the choice and avoid putting cheese on your subs if you can.  Get multigrain bread and lots of veggies.  You can go to various fast food nutritional info pages on the internet also.  There you can see exactly what you are putting into your body.  Read labels.  Keep informed.  :)  

  10. If the pizza was in a lot of grease then it's bad. if it wasn't your okay. Subway is okay because its not in a lot of grease. McDonald's, Burger King and those other fast food restaurants are bad.

    Oh and it shortens your life! Why fast food is bad? Because it is high on sugar, and salt and that's bad for you. So eating alot of fast food is harm to your body.

  11. It's not just the calories, its the bad kinds of fats that these foods bring along with them. Exercise is good and all but avoiding the trans and saturated fats, excessive sodium and cholesterol that go along with fast food is great as well.

  12. Pizza is actually not that bad for you. It is the fried fooods that are the bad one.

  13. It Is very bad fore your health

  14. yes fast food is probubly the worst thing that you can eat!!!

  15. .,it's not that bad as what are you thinking..

    .,slightly bad,

  16. It's not just a matter of high calories. It's the fat content and what it does to your arteries. Not to mention all of the extra sodium. Although you can find some fast food that's not so bad (Subway low fat sandwiches), most is definitely not healthy.  

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