
Is faster webbrowsing and quick access to web pgs depends on the capacity of RAM? Ifnot why Firefox or Opera ?

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IE browsing




  1. how fast your computer will run the internet depends on many things, such as your processor (CPU), RAM, connection, and router. The faster your processor your processor run or the amount of GHZ it has the faster your computer can process your demands, RAM is the memory that your computer wants to be able to access quickly, such as your previously visited sites, which is what you access from the back button, so more of it will give your computer more space to hold these types of files, thus making it faster, your connection is probably the largest factor in your internet speed, such programs as dsl or dial-up and satellite internet tend to be slower than cable, and the last factor is your router, if your router is not rated for a speed higher than your connection, then your internet will only run as fast as your router

  2. it may depends on it some how,i think that,but it certainly depends on the browser you are using,the browser that i see it is the fastest is safari it is really so fast also it give me the best results every time i make a speed test with it

  3. yes webbrowsing and quick access to web pgs depends on the capacity of RAM.

  4. There are a few considerations concerning web site access speed. Installed Ram, Modem and ISP speed, Amount of malware installed, and browser used. Malware uses system resources and internet bandwith slowing down your access. Most malware can be removed with Spybot search and destroy and adaware, both are free! The type of browser affects your speed. IE is not a good software design, IE has such a huge share of the market that it can neglect improvements. IE did not change for over five years until competition arrived. Firefox, Opera, and Flock are new, well designed and hungry for market share, that is why they are faster than IE.  

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