
Is female power an illusion since it must be granted to women by men through lobbying ? Could this be why you?

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never see female dictators ?




  1. All power is an illusion. Government and the police only have power because the majority of people are happy to do as they are told. Part of the social contract - we obey, society does not crumble into ashes around us. So power is only granted through the complience of others in ANY situation. Which is why dictatorships tend to be over thrown, eventually. (Fear increases complience). So men grant power to women in exactly the same way as women grant it to men.

    In most developed countries nowadays, men and women have equal votes, and the numbers of women in Parliament/Government are rising. Women are not powerless, and they got this power the same way men did - through demoncracy, voting in (first past the post system over here). Furthermore, the majority of men only gained power through lobbying the men in power. So anyone with an ancestor who was a surf only has the illusion of power...?

  2. As Robert Michels explain, power has to be with exchange of resources, and yes, there are women with power resources.

  3. That's right Cassy...

  4. Read some history, why don't you?

  5. You are an idiot. It is clear that you hear one thing and go off on a tangent about it. It is clear that you are just as naive as the baby on that picture. Go read a history book. Then when you come back a little smarter talk like a person with sense. Or better yet do us all a favor and delete your account on YA.

  6. So by your premise only white men have true rights? Since blacks also had to be granted rights through white men by lobbying and protesting. See, this is why we are lucky to live in democracies and not in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan. Everyone gets rights and this probably explains why we are richer than most of those countries.

  7. We don't need men to grant us power.  Apparently we do very well on our own.;...

  8. There have been plenty of female leaders.  Europe has a long history of queens, dutchesses, countesses, prime ministers and others who weilded power, some in the same fashion as men.

    Now most dictators were miliatary men, and armies have traditionally restricted women's participation.

    But throughout history, women's power has been pretty one dimensional - sexual.  And we men have been desperate and/or stupid enough to allow such power to flourish.  No, I am not advocating rape.  Just restraint and temperance.  Otherwise they will continue to manipulate us as a group.

  9. Women are in power in Chile, New Zealand, Mozambique, Finland, Netherlands Antilles, Liberia, The Philippines, Ireland, and Germany, and hold powerful governmental positions in almost every country in the world.  In every case, power was granted by the people- and, on average, 52% of people are women.

  10. Most women haven't the stomach for such a thing.

  11. The base issue here - for me - is the notion of female power.  Why is this a necessary thing?  Surely, the fight for equality should not include 'power' for one gender or the other...should it?

  12. Behind every good dictator, there is a contriving mistress. You tell me who is in charge?

  13. Two problems with your question:

    First I seriously doubt lobbying accomplishes much in a dictatorship government.

    Secondly, in my country at least there are women in government so they are granting power to people along with men.

    Edit: yes democracies have women in government too. Isn't it about time you got of the computer and read a book?

    As if you'd know the difference. How's that for a female illusion?

  14. Women abuse their power more than men now.  It is an illusion that men have all the power.  Women perpetuate the illusion to advance their own power.

  15. Be nice to the women Cassius. I will put them in power next. And ye shall fear how they might treat ye for what you sayeth now.

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