
Is feminazism hindering the progress of feminism?

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I have always thought that feminism was about women's rights to be true to their own nature, to voice their opinions, and to live their ideals. One look at this site and I became catastrophically confused. Some women are so bent on being the exact opposite of what men want them to be, they deny themselves of their own true nature. They betray themselves and other women by rejecting what some men have been telling them are "feminine traits". So in a sense, they are truly controlled by men still, but willingly. These women have lost their individual identities in fighting against men. What is left is just the shared identity of a group.

On the other hand, there are women here who think their own thoughts and speak them truthfully. Some women boldly declare that it is their wish to dedicate their lifes to taking care of their husbands and children. Even the feminazis have failed to hold them down. I bow down to them. They are the people who know what is what.

So what is the ratio of feminists vs. feminazis? Is feminazism more prevalent in some parts of the world than others? What do men think of feminazis? How extensively does feminazism affect its practitioners' daily lifes? Are they presenting a problem to feminism? Is there an internal war among women now?




  1. Hm, so if a woman's priority is not to be a homemaker she is denying her 'true nature'. I can assure you that I live authentically and true to myself. I do not strive to be the opposite of what men want me to be. Neither do I strive to be what men want me to be. Men don't come into it. I strive to be what I want myself to be.

    You seem to be slightly confused, but I can assure you that what YOU consider to be 'feminazism' is not hindering feminism.

  2. As a non-feminist I can't agree more with you. I am in no way opposed to equal rights or equal opportunity.

    The biggest lesson I have learned here is that " what feminism has become " is not about equal ,rather superior ,extraordinary rights for women with a minimum of responsibility.

    It's about rights , laws , programs and subsidies that benefit women (AND ONLY WOMEN).

    Here on GWS I am aware of 2 1/2 reasonable women who claim to be feminists, the remainder are extremists or Feminazi.

    BTW, don't buy into the " Holocaust survivors are offended "stuff either.

    There have been a number of Jews with and w/o family members involved in the Holocaust that have clearly stated they are not offended by the term Feminazi.

    So yes, I agree the irrational spewings of the Feminazi, are a detriment to women who seek only equality.

  3. I think there is an internal war going on between men and women. Gender roles are sociologically changing, and not everyone wants to hop on.

    However, I hate the term Feminazi. It's demeaning, and it loses credibility when used in any way. I don't like labeling anyone who has strong opinions that don't coincide with mine, even if it does make me upset or angry.

    I love being a woman, I love my man, and I like doing things for him. But always having to explain who I am and why I do the things I do and feel the way I feel without being labeled in some way is pointless. Why should you or I have to explain how we live our lives?

    I think feminists are working for the common good, however with people seeing things so black and white these days it's hard to really believe anything otherwise.

  4. What a silly question!

    Of course, women's opinions on responding to sexism vary.  Some have been personally injured by it and are angry.  Who came blame them?  Some haven't yet noticed the effects and don't think it relates to them.  Most are somewhere in the middle.  Every movement has its extremes.  During the fight against slavery, there were always a few who wanted an armed rebellion.  That didn't mean that slavery was right or the struggle against it wrong.  We all need to look for common ground, rather than calling each other demeaning names.

  5. Let's drop the tired, hackneyed, parroted-from-Rush-Limbaugh phrase "feminazism" and try for some real debate, shall we?

    I don't bother debating people who use that term. It means their minds are closed or too dim to bother with.

  6. Maybe feminazism is not a very nice term,but there are extremists in every subculture or movement. Just as there are some vegans who think people who eat meat are pure evil, there are some feminists who seem to hate men and disagree w/traditional women. I don't believe the majority of feminists are this way and as long as they continue to voice their concerns, the extremists won't have as much room to rant.

    ETA: here is my personal encounter w/what I would deem a feminazi.....I am an SAHM and a few particular women in my life have told me that I should be getting back to school and that I'm being repressed by taking care of my children and husband. That to me, is a feminazi not a feminist.

  7. Extremism takes up a small percentage of every movement, but however few voices there are, they're pretty d**n loud.

  8. As far as I have seen, there are few if any true feminists on this site.  Most of the ones claiming to be feminists have an issue with men and use feminism to act out their anger.

  9. One of your answerers said that feminazi was and offensive term and that you're a bigot. Some of us think that feminism is an offensive term by it's exclusionary nature. Also, I did not know that being critical of an ideology makes one a bigot lol!! Oh man!

    Back to your question... Short answer: Yes.

  10. Sadly feminazism hasn't hindered the progress of feminism, in fact feminazism has pretty much hijacked feminism. People who genuinely want equality for women today don't call themselves feminists. See section 2 here for some examples of what people who call themselves feminists think of men

    Only feminazis are offended by the term feminazi - everyone else seems to know what it means and accept it. And I think its a pathetic ploy to try to say that the term 'feminazi' is an insult to survivors of the holocaust etc. I think anyone with a social conscience should be prepared to stand up and point out injustice when they see it, and modern feminism is all about injustice (e.g. Section 4 in the above link).

  11. I wouldn't use the label "feminazi," because it implies that they are actively trying to kill people.  However, I agree that the tendancy of some feminists to try to over-control the way other women behave hurts the movement, because it makes us all look like we are either insecure or closet authoritarians.  While a true feminist would advise other women to construct their own identity instead of dedicating their lives to their families, s/ he would not be angry if that woman freely chose not to do so.

  12. feminazi is an offensive term...not only to all feminists, but to survivors of the n**i regime and the Holocaust. It is also offensive to those who didn't survive, to their memories and to their families.

    Find another term of bigotry and hatred please...

    As for the rest of your question, it is filled with stereotypes, bigotry, and just flat out falsehoods about feminism.  There is no discussion with someone with their mind closed off.


    Another term:  "radical feminists"   or  "extremist feminists"

    even "militant feminists" gets the idea across... but even these are subjective, as they should be and should be understood to be.

    Added:  To Hey There:  big·ot   –noun.  a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. (from dictionary).

    The term used "feminazi" is usually a clear indication of someone's overall wholly negative views of a group (feminist women). Therefore; bigotry.

    To Ryder:  Please back up your BS with citations and references... thanks.  Oh wait, its just YOUR opinion you say?   yeah, thought so.

    Added:  Look up the term Feminazi.  You will have to look very hard to find information that does NOT say this is a derogatory, slang, demeaning, and insulting term.  And yes, there ARE Germans and Jews who object to the name "n**i" being pinned on others out of hatred or bigotry.  Even the name "soup n**i" on Seinfeld took some heat on it.  I am not just making sh**t up.  Like the anti-feminists do.

    " Some consider conservatives’ use of the term “feminazi” ironic because German feminists and other political dissenters were among the victims of n**i concentration camps and n**i work camps.[9][10][11] Gloria Steinem said in an interview, "Hitler came to power against the strong feminist movement in Germany, padlocked the family planning clinics, and declared abortion a crime against the state--all views that more closely resemble Rush Limbaugh’s."[10]

    Many prominent German feminists like Helene Stöcker, Trude Weiss-Rosmarin and Clara Zetkin were forced to flee n**i Germany. n**i philosophy explicitly opposed gender equality."

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