
Is feminism a moral cause or a self indulgent celebration of egoism?

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I was in DC recently, and listened on the radio to a cspan broadcast of a woman's symposium of Feminism: wher we are and where we are headed.

I was taken back by the overt pompousness of the panelists, and, it really was striking how hollow and self indulgent the conversation was.

It really opened my eyes.




  1. And the diction and the voices of those panelists are the best indicator of what feminism is about? Sheesh.

  2. It is a moral cause - and an important one - but filled with many (not all) morally reprehensible, deluded, entitled egoists....

  3. A moral cause with some pockets of self-indulgent egoism.

  4. what are you talking about...?

    Feminism came around because women (before the sexual revolution, which appears to be going downhill today sadly) were getting paid almost 20 cents less then men even with same education and in the same job, women couldn't vote, weren't seen as drivers, women couldn't get involved in politics, women couldn't be bishops or have much else of a big role in society.

    Women were basically just used as housewives and seen as baby makers (this should be then women's choice and her partners no one else's) Feminism was just a fight for equality it isn't about hating men or anything like that...

    How would you feel if you were told you cant do something just because of your gender, not very nice is it...??

    I am a feminist and i know male feminists i will continue to fight for equality and i hope that feminism is no longer seen as a bad thing because it really isnt!

  5. A self indulgent celebration of egoism. Feminism is a belief in removing moral standards. Feminism states no one can judge any women's choice irregardless of it impact on society and others.

  6. i personally think that it depends on the persons in question ie some people will say some thing is sexist because they don't like it yet there is nothing inherently wrong about it, a bit like how people will say racist things about a foreign person they just don't happen to like. I believe that every one is equal (I am not communistic) and believe in equal rights for men and women regardless of colour etc but i do think that feminism is no longer true to its core beliefs and needs proper teaching to younger women as some i have met don't have a F****** clue what its all about.

  7. Come on seriously dude? You think all feminists are about that. No way; I am against mistreatment of any person. I want all people to have the same treatment and the same punishment. Think of it like Maslow's pyramid but in a broader sense; I want humanity to work together, discuss and resolve. I want people to become united, unite against the atrocities of our governments.

    We can not blame the toiling working class men and women for the predicament we are in. But as long as we sit here and fight each other, instead of coming together in our differences and our comparisons. Then the fat cat in his ivory tower has won. For the people, with the people UNITE!

    As the wonderful Bob Marley said "We sick and tired of your ism-skism game, get up stand up."  

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