
Is feminism responsible of homosexuality?

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More and more women are leaving their husband for other women. More and more men are becoming g*y and feminists are totally fine with men acting feminine and women acting masculine. Does this "gender reversion" lead to homosexuality? What do you think?




  1. Yes, remember all of thos feminists running around ancient Greece making all those men into homosexuals?

    There were homosexuals long before feminism.  I can't believe you didn't know that?

    There aren't more homosexuals now than any other time in history.  It's just that more are free to say that they are.  

  2. No, homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time.  I was just reading a biography of Alexander the Great and in the 300s BC Greece, most males were involved in homosexual relationships and the women had absolutely no rights.

  3. No, g*y rights movement probably had more to do with it

    There has and probably always be a g*y population, its more of a mater of how much danger is involved with living that lifestyle

  4. Molly, if this were true, and it's not, what then would explain male homosexuality.

    I have lived in a feminist world all my life, yet I remain a femine  creature, who enjoys s*x with men...on a regular basis, meaning a lot, lol.

    If you have studied into the causes of homosexuality you would know that it is the current belief that people are pre-programmed to their sexuality genetically.  Whether this is true or not, I cannot say, but since homosexuality is found in all cultures, even those with strict gender roles, and has existed throughout known history, I do not think we can legitimately claim that feminism has caused homosexuality.  

    The most that could be said is that with the freedoms brought about by the concepts of feminism, women who were homosexual felt free to be open about their sexual preference.

  5. No, homosexuality predated feminism and is seen throughout Kindgom Animalia where variation in sexual proclitivity is the norm.

    Modern Feminism is responsible for advancing a lot of egregious societal harm and confounding young men into thinking they're somehow defective and leading to self-destructive behaviour, and artifically advancing homosexual tendencies and feminity amongst confused young men who simply are bombarded with the notion that they are defective.

    Modern Feminism results in the confusion and reversion to otherwise homosexual behavior amongst young men who simply think it's appropriate or is what's expected, but it's not normative to revert to a difference sexual preference.  Homosexuality, when not influenced by modern Feminism, likely has significant underlying genetic substrates and some environmental influences.  But modern Feminism is simply responsible for horrific confusion in gender roles, inter-gender relations and artificial advancement of homosexual behaviour in otherwise heterosexual young men.

    It's like when you tell a child that he's a piece of garbage, eventually he'll learn to accept that he is.

  6. really... yah, but just... really?  

  7. Well, the funny thing is, Betty Friedan believed it was stay-at-home wives who were responsible for homsexuality.  In 'The Feminine Mystique' she wrote that men became homosexual because they got too much attention from their stay-at-home mothers.  She said there were fewer female homsexuals than male because men didn't tend to fall in love with their daughters the way mothers did with their sons.

    The answer, she thought, was for women to have careers so that thei rminds were off their children.  However, nowadays most mothers do work, and yet homosexuality still seems to keep on happening, which is odd.  I don't know what the cause of it is.

  8. I'm imagine the reverse to be more likely,for it was homosexual women who have also been on the vanguard of the feminist movement,especially  the more radical aspects of the movement. As Rush Limbaugh once said"Modern Feminism was invented by ugly women as so to be more accepted by mainstream society". It just comes to show inadvertently lesbians tend to be(not always) really unattractive women by societies' standards.

  9. considering homosexuality has been around at least since the ancient Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Japanese to name a few...I would say no.

  10. No.  

  11. No.  Homosexuality has been around a lot longer than feminism.  The Romans were quite good at it.

  12. If that's true are you turning into a L*****n? If not-homosexuality may be more complex than you think. Both biological and genetic factors could affect g*y and L*****n inclinations in addition to social conditions. After numerous studies no one really knows why some people are g*y others are bi and most are straight.

    In societies where there is no feminism-there are still g**s lesbians and bisexuals-so obviously it occurs whether feminism is present or not-and has existed as long as humans have been on the planet-and exists in non-humans as well.  

  13. you have hit the nail on the head, so many people choose the g*y lifestyle because they think its somehow sheik to do so. There  is even a large community of g**s who try to get aids as a badge of honor. Feminism encourages the emasculation of men and the masculation of women so its very much in their design to do whatever they can to promote this deviant lifstyle.  

  14. Homosexuality isn't a choice.  Feminism has nothing to do with whether someone is g*y or not.  I would say that feminism is in part responsible with the wider acceptance of homosexuality, which is a very good thing!

  15. The answer is that there is a breakdown of morality in this country and when people stop teaching about God in the public class room, this is what you end up with......stuff which is destitute, abnormal and wicked. Women acting like men and men acting like women and homosexual acts only became common place in previous societies which eventually were destroyed of imploded and no longer exist which is a consequence of walking away from God and his free gifts.

  16. you dont 'become' g*y you are born that way

  17. I really don't think so!

    Years ago - as long as a couple of decades ago, I think - I recall seeing a short article appearing in one of the back sections of a local newspaper to the effect that scientists had found physical, genetic differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals.  The article did not say what those differences were, and I never heard or read another word about it after that.  Apparently, it was quickly and efficiently hushed up because it was such a socially controversial subect.

    Remember the movie, "JURASSIC PARK"?  How the dinosaur clones that were supposed to be all female so they wouldn't reproduce changed s*x and reproduced anyway?  (I am sure that was not because the sauropods were campaigning for equal rights with the raptors!)

    The message there was that "Nature finds a way!"

    We humans think that just because we ARE human, we are above being affected by "nature" but we keep forgetting that, physically, we are mamalian bipeds, and as much a part of "nature" as anything else that lives on this planet.

    With all this in mind, I firmly believe that "homosexuality" is nature's answer to overpopulation.  (Yes, I recall another article I read about female sea birds nesting together in areas where nesting grounds were severely overcrowded.)

    It has occured most commonly in human history in areas where populations were the densest.  (Before anyone argues that there are a lot of areas of dense human population where it is NOT common, think about the social structures of those places, and you will realize that they are geo/political areas where it is not culturally safe to "come out of the closet".)

    So, as to yout question, "Is feminism responsible of homosexuality?" if it is true that homosexuality is "nature's" response to overpopulation, and feminism cuts down on motherhood and the birth rate, then its effect would be just the OPPOSITE - it would actually DECREASE the ecological need for homosexuality.

  18. You're wrong on all counts. Let's recap:

    1. Homosexuality is genetic; one does not "become" g*y, but is born like that.

    2. Feminism is partly responsible for making people realize this and subsequently accept homosexuals for who they are.

    3. Acting out of step with one's gender role does not cause homosexuality.

    4. Men can act as feminine as they want.

    5. Women can act as masculine as they want.

    6. Your opinion doesn't matter to them.

  19. It is totally a fad to be a homosexual right now. Some people just do it for attention.

  20. No.

    No one or nothing "turns" you g*y.

    Either youre born g*y or youre not.

  21. No. If more women are leaving their husbands for other women, it is because homosexuality is becoming more accepted in society. You're born g*y. Feminsim can't make you g*y. The reason that some men are more feminine and some women are more masculine is because people are more accepting now days. But it's not because of feminism or anything like that. It's just people having more freedom to express themselves.

  22. First, I think you meant gender reversal. Second, homosexuality has been around since the dawn of humanity. It is only becoming more acceptable and noticeable since more people are willing to admit it.

  23. Yes. Famous homosexuals of centuries before, like the Greek poet Sappho, Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century, Oscar Wilde in the 19th century...they all became g*y because a group of feminists from the 1970s fell backwards in time through a warp in the space-time continuum due to a terrible accident in a lab with a cake mixer and a vaccum cleaner put on "blow" instead of "suck," and they made all those homosexuals in the past instantly g*y. Prior to the accident, they had been heterosexual. Leonardo da Vinci used to yell, "Vrrrooom! Vroooom!" when attractive women passed by.

    Sad, isn't it?

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