
Is feminism the cause of the low rates of birth in the west?

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If you consider that feminists try to push as many women into the work force as possible and see children as an impediment to that goal.

In Muslim countries you get a much higher birth rate because of the children child rearing roles women have.




  1. Is that important is the world population diminishing?    I don't think we need to worry about it.     I think married couples have the number of children they can afford - maybe even more.

  2. lol

  3. It's been a contributing factor indirectly, but in countries like France and England, it's also been contributing indirectly to an increase in birth rates by implementing more work/family balance initiatives. These have yet to come to the U.S. Besides, what's so fantastic about a high birth rate? Do we really need that many people?

  4. I blame Bush's campain on abstaintism! People just stopped having s*x, when they learned s*x leads to pregnancy!

  5. I am all against feminism, but ,about the low birth rates, I think this is a good thing because the Earth is overpopulated.

  6. ....the world is overpopulated but 150%..why do we need MORE births?

  7. I dont' think so. At least from what I have seen, alot of men are worried about money or are not ready, or want less kids than their partner. It takes two.

  8. Actually I think it might be due to contraception...

    Women working might be a casuse of this, and this is probably a cause for celebration. It's more to do with choice - given the choice, many women prefer to do more than just be a mother, and put off having famillies. This means usually they have higher income when they do come to have children, and that they have less (less overpopualtion)

    Feminism as a movement doesn't discourage childbirth (Liberal Feminists actually campaign for greater child support from the government, so...) but some of the oppurtunities they have created do - i.e. the chance to have a career. And this is not a bad thing.

  9. I thought the low rates of birth had to do with the fact we don't need to pop out 10 kids in the hopes that 3 will become adults(made the numbers up, btw, I really don't know what the mortality % in kids was:P).

  10. You know that even in large families, the women often don't raise all those children by themselves. They get their older children to do it, especially the older daughters.

  11. I'm a feminist and want a lot of children. My hubby will look after them most of the time =]

  12. If so then Hooray for that!

    The world is far too populated.

    I am for contaception in the water or anything that would slow us breeding ourselves into our own extinction!

  13. Does the West really need more people?

    I don't think it does.  Feminism isn't to blame.  Men and women buckling down and becoming more responsible is.

  14. I don't think so; in larger families when the parents work the older always look after the younger; the mom has a whole list of chores she leaves on the fridge.  Put the blame on fast-paced societies.  Over here in the Middle East they may have what you have where you are; however, life is so much laid back over here.  However, over here women are opting for one to three kids; especially those that fancy a more lucrative lifestyle; not all want to be baby pushers.  So let's say that it's due to these things: life style and choices.

  15. A.  Most Western countries are already overpopulated;

    and B. Pollution and exposure to toxic chemicals in the workplace probably have a lot more to do with reduced fertility rates than feminism [it's mostly men who get exposed to toxic chemicals in the workplace, causing low sperm counts and low sperm quality];

    and C.  What makes you think a high birth rate (especially amongst poorly educated women) is a good thing?

  16. It's DEFINITELY part of the problem.  We've got A LOT of bird brained women who thinks it's "cool" to shun their familial responsibilities.

  17. Yes and a host of other things as well.

    When black society began to go mainstream, it changed a lot things.  No longer was it a bad thing to be sexually promiscuous as a girl. Many black girls in music videos were flaunting their sexuality.  This caused many girls  all races to to think it is OK to have s*x for fun and recreation. This also caused less to get married, and more to use protection. This lead to fewer births. AND the BIG thing is the acceptance of abortions as a normal way of life. Blacks have used it for years as a form of birth control. And unfortunately, kids are an impediment to all races that just want to "have fun". To party all night long.  And many of the kids they do pop out are being raised by their older and elderly grandparents.  What a disgrace!

    In Muslim countries, the populace is usually poor. And they do not have all of the entertainment we have in the industrialized world.  So, if you are bored, you have s*x. If you have 50 wives you have lots of s*x, and ergo, lot of kids.

    Some of these women have lots of kids so they can send them out into the world to kill infidels.

    You may not like what I have to say, but it is time someone had the balls to say it.  Everything I have stated is true and honest.

  18. No, the country is going through a recession.. That is why everyone is finally getting smart and using birth control instead.

  19. there are low birth rates in japan & korea - not a hot spot for feminism....what pray tell do you think is the cause of that????

    hint: try thinking of several explanations, not necessarily tied to ideaology...

    George - having lived in Asia for 3 years, the "high" employment in Korea is women under 35, b/c employers wont touch them after that. They have low numbers, seldom get promoted. In Japan, their numbers are small too.

    Of course, women are almost encouraged to go into prostitution and in korea there are more prostitutes than teahcers. Prostitution adds billions to their GNP.

    Trafficking is another trade they go into. Polaris Project, a US NGO works with Korean women trafficked into the US>

    So....what is the cause of the low birth rate in Asia?

    The high cost of raising children is to blame....although you will get men bashing women and claiming the "vile" feminism is the cause in Asia as well as in Western countries.

    look past your will get you further in life.

  20. If they are, BRAVO.  Overpopulation is the #1 problem in the world!.  It causes and continues the cycle of poverty in third world countries.  INTELLIGENCE and EDUCATION causes low rates.  

    Since when have Muslim countries been put forward as an example of anything except extreme abuse of human rights.

  21. Yes it is and it isnt necessarily a bad thing. The part of the world pushing the population torwards 8 billion is the problem. When I criticise feminism I do it from a microperspective, it is bad if it affects ME. From a macroperspective it is actually very necessary to lower the birthrates somewhat.

    Jo how are Japan and Korea NOT hot beds of feminism ? Women work outside the home in those countries as much if not more as women in America or Europe.

  22. I think 2-3 children per couple is a good number.  We have plenty of people in our society, there is no reason to worry about women not having 10 children.

  23. Answer your question - No.

    I don't think so, I think it's because of higher education rates and more women in work VOLUNTARILY (not forced by feminists!!).  And a more equal society, I mean look at other muslim beliefs about women

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