
Is feminism the reason marijuana is still illegal in the US?

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Is feminism the reason marijuana is still illegal in the US?




  1. Good one. We'll add that to the list of "Things you couldn't blame feminism for even if you tried."

  2. No, where did you get a screwed up idea like that?

  3. What's the correlation?

    In what way does marijuana demean, oppress or hurt women financially, emotionally, physically, etc?

    In fact, many women enjoy marijuana in the same way men do, even women who enjoy equality.

  4. lol i dont think so.. i dont understand why it would be illegal cuz of that

  5. Yes.  Its part of the International Feminist Conspiracy.

  6. Now that is a ridiculous notion .

  7. Um...sure feminism could be the reason for that but only under one condition: if you accept to surrender to the power of anonymous user.

  8. isnt n never was... the illegality of marijuana is due to a tax issue. its not a taxable item n it gains nothing so its money spent that cannot give back to the economy. its an economy drain...thats why

  9. I'm not sure I understand the connection.  How does feminism relate to the legality of marijuana?

  10. If it was legal, you would probably be blaming feminists for that too.

  11. No - marijuana is illegal because William Randolph Hurst found out that cheaper paper was being from jute (also know as marijuana) than from trees and he didn't want the income from his lumber mills threatened by newspapers being printed on paper made from jute.  

    So he had others lobby congress to pass laws outlawing marijuana.  Well, not completely outlawing it.  You just need a stamp to grow it - like tobacco.  Thing is - congress has never issued the stamp for anyone to grow it.

    Feminism has to do with gender differences and women's rights.  I don't understand what that has to do with the illegality of marijuana.

  12. no its because bushs mummy didnt give him enough huggle buggles as a baby waby. i hate women, i wish i was a woman so that some big strong man could save me from the scary feminists.  

  13. You what now...

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