
Is feminism truly about equality or has it morphed into a cause that contributes to inequality?

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From what I know feminism used to be a beautiful thing. Feminism used to be about battling the injustices that women were faced in their lives because of it was "a man's world". Now these days feminism has begun to run out of steam because women having many of the rights that they were fighting for when the movement started. Even when education and job experience is taken into account women actually get paid just as much as men when all is calculated appropriately. Feminism has accomplished so much since it's inception but is it really still needed? Or have they become somewhat of extremists. One of the issues that has resonated with me being a man is the great inequalities that men face such as the statistically proven fact that women almost always when custody of the children in custody battles. And how most rape police reports made by women are completely farce. And last of all chivalry has all but died in the United States. Chivalry has been along for centuries but it all of a sudden has nearly vanished. Could this be thanks to Feminism advocating that women should be equal to men and not receive and special treatment because of their s*x? Has feminism gone too far?

Isn't it true that in the animal kingdom is has been proven that either a male or female must be dominant and in the case of humans it the male is the dominant one?




  1. Ummmm........yeah. There are some chicks that I wouldn't wanna **** with at all!

  2. I agree with you that most feminists today have gone to the exreme. I am scared to death about the world that my teenage sons have to graduate into! It is way too easy now for women to make exaggerated gripes against men and have them arrested or restraining ordered against, or throw them out over the stupidest things and then have wages attached. How can men feel chivlarous when women have so much power?

    I don't agree that men need to "dominate" but I do understand that men who are working hard to support a family while his wife concentrates on the children need to feel that he is the head and therefore respected for what he is doing. I always regarded my husband as the head of the family while not letting him dominate me; as a result he did not resent supporting me while I raised the kids. There is a balancing act here.

  3. dead issue.

  4. no i disagree with ur conclusion.

    how does one define dominance? thats the main issue i take with you. I think neither of us shows dominance over the other; we just have different functions and in the end we are both equally important in contributing to a whole (which we call society). Even if women do end up with equal pay etc etc (which i thinkt hey deserve), they're still going to be the ones that have the maternal instincts and carry the children and men will still be the ones with the paternal instincts.  

  5. feminism is all about women thinking there better than men. a true person for equality is called an equalist which is about equality for everyone in the u.s.

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