
Is field dressing a moose a good skill to bring to the office of the Vice President? ?

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Do we want a religious fundamentalist a heart attack away from the red button? Just wondering.




  1. Yes. Handing out ammo and or fishing lures would be cheaper on the government than handing out food stamps.  Meat from one moose probably can provide 20 families for a week.

  2. To Republicans, it's a skill for a v.p. candidade, as are changing diapers, basketball, glamor and eating moose meat.  Can the Reps think of anything more substantial than that?

  3. Sure why not

    McCain for President

  4. Yikes - you really should have watched Fred Thomson's speach a little closer & read the newspaper a few more times...maybe then your question would have made some sense

    Field dressing a moose was a direct quote (and humor, I might add) from Thomson's speech last night

    A Heart BEAT away is from reps of the Obama camp

    Get it right, or get off. Better yet, think for yourself.

  5. Yes, I do.

    Obama has never baited his own hook.

  6. I appreciate a strong woman who can run a state, dress a moose, fight corruption and for the rights of our unborn children.

  7. Is smoking crack? Is rolling a joint? Are these good skills to bring to the office of President? Do we want amoral, anti-American, racist drug-users to have the "red-button"?

  8. While I wouldn't want to trivialize anyone's skills, I never saw a single moose during the 9 years I lived in the Washington, D.C. area and I suspect that the opportunities for Palin to practice this skill will be few and far between.

  9. Yet another thing that Palin has more experience in than Obama.

  10. You know the rest of the world is so jealous of us.  Plus, state dinners of moose burgers!

  11. Remember, the 4th WW will be fought with clubs and stones, so I guess knowing how to field dress a moose or any other large hunk of protein will be a worthy skill.  If McCain/Palin win this election this is something we should all be concerned about.

    No, I do not want religious fundamentalists in the White House, they are all eagerly anticipating the flight of the chosen to heaven.

  12. yes it is.  especially if the power goes out.  you may be surprised how potent this image will be in the realm of foreign relations.

  13. That's a question that gave me a bit of a chuckle.  I'm not voting for Mr Heart attack but that's just me.

  14. that was funny but Nooooooooooooo

  15. Nah

  16. YES!

    It has been written: "A person skilled with his (or her) hands will stand before kings; he will not stand before common men."

    People such as this are the best qualified to be in office, because they're down to earth and aren't brainwashed by liberalism.

  17. LOL!!! I know what you mean, she's cuckoo for cocoa puffs no doubt....what woman kills moose on the weekends, straps on heels for the monday to friday work week, and has time to care for 5 children and a retarded husband?  It's been estimated if McSame wins the white house in November, 14.9 to 15.1% chance he won't make it till the swearing in ceremony (Jan 21st).  SCARY!!!  

  18. that's why we need to outlaw republicans, and make it illegal to hunt.  

  19. I don't really think that's the platform she's running on, or that it was listed as one of her qualifications

    Maybe you should check out her actual record that would pertain to her job in a government position, rather than her hobbies.

    Does your ability to type on message boards qualify you to do YOUR job?...See how silly and irrelevant that comparison is?

  20. hahahaha

    silly libs.

  21. If this is the best you can do Republicans should not have any worries.

  22. Yes, the Russians deal with people much like the great moose of the Northwest.  

    They have antlers beneath their hoods as well.  

  23. Is lighting a crack pipe a good skill to bring to the Oval Office?  Somehow I just don't see Hillary gutting a moose, and Obama would probably make his wife do it.  I'll take Palin.

  24. Glad somebody knows how to protect us from those moose wandering around in DC.

    Do we really want a psychochick who has used two offices for revenge that close to nukes? Heck NO!

  25. yes it should try it sometime

  26. Yes, it is a good thing to have. Also Killing bears for pelts and trading with the Canadians are a good skill to have as well.

    Sarah Palin in her spare time is "the boss," from MGS3. She represents all that is badass.

    Obama represents all that sucks like taxes, welfare, and Europe.

    So why argue when these two obvious facts are on the table people?

  27. If that is my choice against having an unfit, unqualified and inexperienced candidate as is Obama... then yes, many of us will prefer Palin as a VP and McCain as President.

  28. Yup.

  29. Come on! I saw her 9 months pregnant standing by an igloo with a big gun fighting terrorists.....sure she can hold her own against Congress

    LMFAO @ td's !

  30. Teddy Roosevelt would say yes.

  31. What does her hunting abilities have anything to do with this election?? I bet there are a lot of people in congress who enjoy hunting.  

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