
Is fiji water really from the islands of FIJI?

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it states that it comes from the organic islands of fiji is that true or something just to charge extra money for? because lots of people theoretically speaking just drink it for popularity like in my middle school. thanks for the answers anything helps =]




  1. yes the water really comes from Fiji.

  2. Yes, it really is from Fiji. If it wasn't, it would be false advertisement and the company would be sued. Man7y people think because something costs more it's better. That's usually not true, and in this case, it's not. There are other waters that are less expensive, and taste much better.

  3. hahah.. i don't think so.

    Actually, it's made in a tiny village in Mexico.  

  4. Iwould sure hope so, if not then thats false advertising

  5. It is. But water is water. And you're being ripped off by buying it.

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