
Is file sharing really stealing?

by  |  earlier

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I don't think it is. When some one steals something, the important part is that someone unjustly lost their property. When you file share no one loses their property so I don't think its stealing.

Sure someone loses potential profit but does that constitute stealing? No.

(This is a far-fetched example but I believe it illustrates my point) Lets say for instance I go out and watch a movie, then when I get back I describe the movie to my friends scene by scene, including the ending. Now since they know the story and the ending they don't go see the movie they would otherwise might have paid to see. Is that stealing? No. But in effect I 'shared' the movie with them. Same thing.




  1. Ha. Try to explain that to my father... he doesn't believe in file sharing. My view would have to be different than his. I mean why does it matter, it's not like with music 99 cents is going to make a difference. When I pay 300$ for concert tickets, then spend 400$ on merchandise I really hope they don't expect me to go buy a 20$ album. So yeah that is my outlook. They don't need more money to go do drugs and get drunk anyway. Half of music makers (more than half these days) are horrible people so why should I fuel them in their horribleness.

  2. The movie analogy is not very representative. A file "shared" is the actual thing passed from one person to another. It is not just a description of the thing. So that is stealing. Nothing is free.

  3. No its absolutely rediculous..i can go to a library and take a book out read the whole thing 100x if i want with no charge to me why should i have to pay for sharing a file with someone else..musicians should start making solid albums again where every song is a good song

  4. Stealing? No.

    Copyright infringement? Yes.

    Illegal? Yes.

  5. I spend ten years writing a program

    You copy it and send it to your friends because its cool

    Who loses, me

    Yes its theft

    If you want it write it yourself

    Addnl : I have a vote for and against at this point

    Why do I have a negative? Please explain someone?

  6. I would say no, because often times when people file share they wouldnt normally buy that item, like music or a video

    so usually it isnt stealing, but it definately is illegal, but nobody can really catch you right?

  7. File Sharing isn't stealing. File Sharing can be used for legitimate purposes. Sharing material you aren't licensed to share is illegal, plain and simple.

  8. no man as long as you don't sell it or claim the map is yours then its not considered stealing .

  9. it isnt stealing but it is definetely illegal

  10. its considered

  11. your missing the fact that there are different kinds of property.      In this case it would be creative property--the same as a book, a story, etc.  

    that is classified as stealing.   Just as plagiarism is classified as stealing.    

  12. You are mistaken my friend. You are stealing from future generations. Why do you think music sucks now a days? Do you think CD's grow on trees? You know how much money it costs to get a song made? ADvertising, marketing, promotion, paying the artists, tv spots, music videos, concerts. I suppose economics mean nothing to you eh?

    Music and movies are sucking *** now because of intellectual property p****y. Things will only get worst unless we put a stop to it!!

    Dont steal you cheap b******s!!!

    Yippee my batman download just finished.....I LOVE TORRENTS!! HEHE

  13. Black Jack,

      You already know the answer to your question or you wouldn't be asking it.  Musicians create art and get paid by royalties.  When you listen to music you haven't paid for, you're stealing money from the musicians who created it.  If they don't get any money, there won't be any more music.

    Yes, it's stealing and you know it.

  14. Kind of. depends on the files, stuff that has a copy write yes! opensource no!

    people write and share codes for OS and software, Linux!

    not stealing...

  15. It's not a crime unless you get caught.  

  16. exactly what i was gonna say.....

  17. you're ruining an artist's chance to make a living (unless they're already ungodly rich, then go right ahead.)

  18. No, but it's illegal and has copyright laws.  

  19. not if you dont get caught  

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