I've been thinking about filing for bankruptcy, yeh I am in my mid 20's and I have a repo on record, plus some delinquent bills that added up to be atleast 4,000. They say if you file bankrupt, then you can't get a great job so if i were to get my RN liscence, I wouldn't be able to get a job?, Also they say bankruptcy is on you for 10 years, so if I spend almost 7 years paying the debts off by myself, Am I better off, because to my understanding either way goes, the bad credit is going to show up one way or another, until it is clear. I've had bad credit for years, and I don't want to make it worse. But if I get all debt eliminated in 1 blow, after 7-10 years I won't have bad credit anymore, and I can Live where i want to live after bankruptcy is not on my record anymore.