
Is first answer to this question evidence that some men want to force women into non threatening rolls?

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A lot of anti feminist men resent women doing anything they deem to aggressive or intelligent so they try to badger them by accusations of lesbianism, or p***s envy in order to force them into mushy, non threatening little powder puffs rolls they consider "feminine." This is why I say a lot of anti feminist men men need for women to be weak and stupid in order to feel like macho men. A sign of weakness, I say.




  1. Yes, but hopefully men like this aren't too many.

  2. I once knew of this married couple where the husband treated his wife like c**p.  She'd even tell you to your face "he treats me like c**p.  But, I love him." You go to him and tell him point blank "you treat your wife like c**p;" he'll turn around and say "you're right I do treat her like c**p; she don't like it she knows where the door is; only thing is I don't hear her complaining."  What I'm saying here is a lot of women put themselves in that place and it's their fault not the man's.  

    And no I'm not talking about myself.

  3. wow you need to learn to take a joke c'mon thats just sad that you are this uptight about this

  4. Yes, that's true.

    The want all women to be barefoot, pregnant and tied to the kitchen sink as well as being presented in a roll with bacon, lettuce and tomato.

  5. What I have learned about this forum and its participants is that both sides have their heads firmly planted up their butts - that is to say, they have a very difficult time seeing any other side other than their own.  

    For example, if you look at many of the questions posed by men - I'm talking of the generally sincere ones...not the trolls.  If any of the nasty fems on here see fit, they respond with criticisms of homosexuality, lack of sexual performance or living in mom's basement.  Bullying, surely.  It comes off as a need to come off as superior, quick witted and more intelligent.  

    So, in light of that, I would say that - at least on this forum - both sides show serious signs of weakness by your definition.  Don't you think?

  6. I am with Laela on this one.  She covers most of the bases.

    Also remember that there is an issue that comes up in my life every now and then: men as castigated for saying that women are hormonal, but then some women (usually those who are quick to criticise men) use it as an excuse for poor job performance or poor manners/bad mood.

    You spend a lot of time having digs at blokes, calling us weak and putting words in our mouths, so to speak.  I have an issue with anyone, female or male who has to keep throwing into my face the fact that they are just as smart as me: there is your true insecurity, and I rather doubt you can blame some great "patriarchial conspiracy" for that.  

    I am anti-feminist in that I am not a feminist, same as most men but remember: if you cast aspersions our way, expect it in return, if not from me, then from others.  I am anti-feminist because you would do to me what you claim men have done to you, and expect that you are allowed to without a hint of complaint.

  7. I like sausage rolls personally =D

    hmmm as for your question on roles, I think you've shown the biggest sign of weakness by dignifying them with this question. If they have a problem with you acting "tough" it's their problem so what's yours?

    Just do as you please, geez...

  8. If you are small and weak, the easiest way to feel stronger is to beat someone down until they are weaker than you, and keep beating them down.  The better way is to improve yourself.  If these anti-fem men want to be superior, let them get an education and improve themselves.  Then they won't be so easily intimidated by a strong women.

  9. I am no feminist, but

    I partly agree with you.

    All some men seem to be doing is completely contradicting themselves. Some want to their own babysitter, chef and maid, so they get married. Other men complain that their girlfriend or wife is earning too much. Then there are some that whinge about the female not having any money and sucking him dry! (cash wise)

    I am not saying that there arent any reliable, loving men out there, because there is.

    Some women have no idea what to do anymore!

    And its a d**n pain in the a**

  10. On the contrary, I am attracted to strong women.

    Women are equal; why force them to do anything?

    Holy bat droppings Joker, I'm getting thumbs down? !@

  11. I'm not sure that the question you've posted demonstrates male eagerness to typecast females into certain roles.  It sounds like it could be a genuine question.

  12. Rolling on the floor....Burn!  lol

    your right...a bully is someone who is too weak to feel ok about themselves without putting others down.

    Hence the problem with some of our "alpha" men...they are only alpha's when surrounded by little "non threatening little powder puffs rolls" (hehe love it)  Who wont and cant challenge them.

  13. I think you getting so offended by someone's personal opinion is a sign of weakness. I saw nothing wrong with anything that they said (in terms of forcing them into roles), unless you are offended by the term p***s envy (coined by Sigmund Freud whose work was continued by his Daughter, btw). You want to accuse them of bullying women, but you are bullying them yourself.

    Maybe next time you should just quote the person without giving away their name. It seems kind of cruel to call them out like that. Would you want someone to do that to you?

  14. In short, yes. You've hit the nail on the head.

    The other answers were interesting, I've no idea why the first one was such a jerk unless it is for the very reasons you've outlined!

    Cheers :-)

  15. hmmm not really. I just want equal rights or more balanced rights. The current situation with education,judicial system,family court's, and general contempt of males in society is beyond suffer-able.

              There is nothing wrong with an individual being strong. It is how they use that strength that matters.

         The term macho man is often used in a sarcastic joking way.

    We just want feminist's to stop insulting are intelligence with there Lie's and manipulation of the fact's.

    We want to be able to go to school and college without being discriminated against because we where born male.

    We want equal treatment in the court's.

    We want our government to stop discriminating against our health issue's.

    Only a victim of discrimination could ever understand those things.

  16. deep breathe...

    I read your question and then i read some of the responses. it would be very easy to say that anti-feminist men want to push women into non threatening roles

    but you know what? they don't need to - because our s*x is doing a fine job doing just that. Please before you brand me as the enemy just consider this..

    Paris Hilton/Jordan/Anna Nicole Smith - nothing to do with being girly is empowering women. everything to do with no talent and recognising a gap in the market for the cutsey wutsey fluffy dollybird

    I've lost count of the times a woman has decided on breaking up with her boyfriend or husband that he is never seeing the kids but she will take the money thank you very much

    if a man does something usually associated as a womans job - he is g*y or incapable of having a proper job

    if a woman gets a promotion at work - while the men may complain bitterly about it.. they are drowned out by the sheer cattiness of the women

    our mothers and grandmothers, sisters - fought long and hard for decent maternity leave - but we don't need to worry about that anymore because the female celebrities are not only obsessed with losing weight but getting back to work as soon as possible. Some of that may be male studio heads - but how many say no? the actress from My name is Earl - back at work and lost the baby weight four months after giving birth and she's celebrated for it??

  17. The question and all the answers I could read before I got fed up are evidence that men want to force women into non-threatening roles. Of course, so are most of the other questions in GWS, but...

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