
Is fishing a manly sport?

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I dont see alot of g**s doing this




  1. fishing's not a sport. old fat guys can be experts.  it's a skill

  2. Fishing is an all s*x and an all sexual orientation sport, it's not discriminatory at all.

  3. yes

  4. Fishing is a sport, and that's it! It's not manly or girly. Anyone can do it if they want to. Even kids fish.

  5. Yes, they would be too cunsured on touching  worms, and getting there cloths dirty!

  6. I'm sure there is alot of g*y and lesbians who fish, what are they supposed to do wear signs that state there sexual prefference. I'm not g*y and I dont have a problem fishing next to someone who is. Anybody who is, is a HOMOPHOBE. I mean really whats the big deal, they have just as much right to fish as I or you do

  7. Who knows? Maybe they just don't like touching raw slimy fish. Or maybe they don't wanna put woms and minnows and crickets on a hook?

  8. You're all wrong...  Your definition of "manly" is the main concern here.  g*y men are men; things they do are done by men; thus things that g*y men do can be termed manly.

    I'll take it you mean tough or rugged.  As my g*y buddies say, I am "q***r friendly"; I have fished with them, worked with them in rugged environments; just like straights, there are tough g**s and sissy g**s.

    A lot also rides on the type of fishing that you describe.  My fishing usually involves miles of walking up and down rocky streams with wet boots and heavy gear.  This is rugged whether you are g*y, straight, or asexual.  Fishing on a "deep sea" charter  (where they bait your hook, teach you to use it, bring you drinks, remove your fish from the hook, mark and store the fish, and filet it for you) is fun but not at all rugged or manly.  Fishing for an hour or two in a local park is neither rugged (manly) nor weak.

    Thus, the answer depends on the question.  If you like to fish, fish.  If you don't want to be associated with g**s, nodobody can help you. If you're worried about not appearing g*y enough or seeming to "rugged", then you're trying to attract people who don't share your interests.  Which is terrible for relationships...

  9. How can you tell if someone fishing down the bank from you is q***r?

    I mean, I could, but I know the secret handshake!

    really though, what exactly are you asking? I think fishing is fun (esp. when I catch a fish). do you want to be percieved as more manly? and do you define that as not g*y?

  10. Fishing is a family sport. Women, men, children....they all fish. It's not JUST a man's sport, otherwise, I wouldn't do it so often. There are plenty of g*y people who fish, the only reason you don't see a lot of it is because they don't tend to stand in a public fishing area and yell to the crowd, "HEY LOOK, g*y MAN FISHING," I mean seriously.

    There are a lot of effeminate people out there, men and women alike, who don't like to fish because they don't want to touch gross things. But there is just as many people out there that don't like to fish because they are bored by it, or they are vegetarian and have no interest in catch and release so they see no point. Not everyone is going to like fishing, but that doesn't mean it's a "manly" sport.

    I hope this makes sense.

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