
Is flying safe......?

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terrorist wise...

I want to fly somewhere....but get scared ...

september 11 still haunts me....




  1. You were in far more danger in a tall building on Sept 11th than in an aircraft. I wonder why people aren't afraid of going into tall buildings now?

  2. Iv been on over 65 aeroplanes and i started off scared but now im over it

  3. Yes, flying is safe. There is lots of security and you'll see exactly how much when you go through screening yourself.

    Don't be scared, you'll be fine

  4. Some of your concerns are 24hours news media desperate for something to report; some is also terrorist hysteria which this nation hasn't seen since the "Commies are coming" stuff of the 1950's.

    I used to crew F4s, flying at 200ft above the ground at 540knots; also flew air-air sometimes at 1.5Mach.  Flown literally around the world, both in the back of a Phantom and commercially-several times.  Been in aviation a total of 24 years.  I'm still vertical-and like other guys  I'm more afraid of the jacka&* who doesn't signal and cuts me off on the road to the base/airport, than flying.

    It IS safe-very safe.

  5. Actualy, flying is the absolute safest way to travel. When you think of car accidents, and train crashes (that actualy happened to my friend once), the likelyhood of a plane being hijacked by terrorists or crashing is comparatively very low. Besides, security has been stepped up, MAJORLY.

  6. Security is so beefed up nowadays that u cant take a tweezer on a plane! One time though i went to the airport in orlando to go home and the friggin people were to busy chatting about what they were going to do when they got home and they didnt even check us hardly. That may just be them though.

  7. Is safer than it was when Sept. 11. 911 In NY. However, what is totally safe? We take changes every day of our life. Whether we think about it or not. It is far more danagous to ride in a car than fly in a plane.

    A terronist can hit anywhere. Most want to make a big statement. What can top hitting 70 countries at one time.

    Have a nice time and don't worry about what you cannot do anything about.

  8. You be your own judge. A group of investigative journalists took a bunch of bags that were rigged up to look like bombs onto domestic airline flights. They were not stopped or even challenged by airport security.

    If 9/11 haunts you it only proves that George Bush and his cronies are doing their job. Keeping the American public in a paranoid state and spying on each other.

  9. The terrorist are least of your worries.  The chances of terrorist hitting your airplane is one in million (or even better).  Think about it, on 9/11 there was 3 planes hit.  Since then millions of airplanes have flown without terrorist incident.  That is smaller than one in million odds.

    You should be worried about general aviation safety.  That effects everybody and every flight.

    Good Luck...

  10. Considering the increased airport and airline security put in place after 9/11 it is safer now more than ever to fly.  Also consider this.  The terrorists used airplanes, so we have increased security there, so they will look for other ways without so much security.  Flying is very safe.

  11. You are in more danger of drowning in the bathtub than of being on an airplane where a terrorist causes trouble.  It's almost entirely political hype.  Please go on and enjoy your flight.  They can't get you.

  12. You are a victim of 24 hour news.  Your chances of being struck by lightning are greater than being a victim of terrorism.

    The menace of global terrorism has been labeled the greatest threat to western civilization since communism and yet swimming pools, peanuts and lost deer kill more Americans every single year. Why are our governments facilitating the terrorist's agenda by hyping a peril that simply doesn't exist?

    Read the rest of the article:

    I flew for 40 years commercially, in the war as an Air Force pilot, and privately.  I am still alive and more fearful of the person in the automobile heading my way in the other lane.

    Lose your fear, live your life and watch out for deer!
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