
Is food heated over 116 degrees the sole cause of headaches, insomnia, depression, lethargy, digestive?

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disorders, bad hair, bad skin, bad eyes?

A TC in V & V stated this and I was wondering if it were true or nonsense?




  1. So is diarrhea, lumbago, chill blaines, the vapors,flat feet, dandruff, myopia, and dyspepsia.  lock jaw and diphtheria has been linked.

    edit  I am hurt  I don't have ten thumbs down.

  2. I highly doubt it.  Most of the food I eat is heated over 116 degrees, and I don't suffer from any of those conditions (well, I do wear contacts... but I doubt my astigmatism was caused from a cookie).  People have been eating cooked food for what... a few hundred thousand years?  I think if it were causing all these problems we would have figured it out by now.


    Idealist:  Cooked food is poison.

    Realist:  Humans may have evolved the genetic ability to handle some cooked food--the evidence is inconclusive at present. However, some foods are easier to digest when raw, others when cooked (e.g., starch foods like potatoes). Simple logic suggests one should eat foods that are agreeable to you, in the form that is easiest to digest. Some raw foods should be avoided: raw rhubarb, kidney beans; many cooked foods should be avoided: fried foods, heavily salted foods, broiled foods, etc. Diet is not so trivial that it can be reduced to inaccurate, simplistic slogans.

    -Beyond Vegetarianism


    Thumbs down, w00t!  Veritas is rarely popular.

  3. No, those can also be caused by stress, too much caffeine intake, vitamin deficiency, etc.

    I think that raw foods do have many benefits, but I doubt that cooked food is the sole cause of maladies.

  4. Probably not, but I'm no expert. If your food is raw and eating it gives you a headache, then try cooking it too.

  5. Since i believe you are referring to me, I will respond.

    I never said cooked food was the SOLE cause of those things.  But sufferers of all of those things HAVE found their symptoms alleviated by a raw food diet.

    Edit:  I have no idea why you are being so confrontational, but those are my PERSONAL findings.  The advantages I have found for my own health.  Do a little research- my experience is not unique by any means.

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