
Is football a game for men who are to scared to play rugby?

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Is football a game for men who are to scared to play rugby?




  1. Hey mate lets not sink to their level.

    I have some respect for footballers, they have plenty of skill. It is such a shame that the game has been ruined by all the hollywood theatrics (although I was never that big a fan anyway).

    My Uncle over in England used to be the manager of a football club (not at prem level). He is one of the most passionate football supporters I have ever met but he is totally sickened by the way football is played today. Lets face it even football fans know how pathetic their sport has become.

    There is far more money in football. If I could be a pro in either sport I think I would choose football. The pay is ridiculously high (you could retire after one season), you are less likely to get injured (unless you count fake ones on the field) and you get treated like bloody royalty.

  2. Yay! somebody else who thinks like I do! have a star =0)

  3. Yes, assuming footballers qualify as men.

  4. No, they just prefer football. Leave the silly football/rugby questions to the football fans eh.

  5. yes!

  6. There's an old saying.

    "Rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen and football is a gentlemens game played by hooligans"

  7. can't you just accept the fact that there are people who prefer football over rugby?

  8. this in response to the question about "FAT" wanna be footie players???????????

    Nice one mate...........have a star!

    should have posted on the soccer section tho!

  9. h**l yes!!! have a star lol

  10. No it's for men who want a decent wage.

  11. Football is a game where the players spend 90 minutes pretending they're injured.

    Rugby is a game where the players spend 80 minutes pretending they're not injured.

  12. no its just what sport they are good at, some footballers might have been good at rugby when they were younger but they chose football because they liked it better

  13. no football is not a game for people who are scared to play football. People that play football are better at football than rugby

  14. You have got it in one! Imagine Beckham taking a slight "Knock" on would come the agent, coach and hairdresser. He would not play the rest of the season and expect 50K a week and would write a book to let everyone know what happened!

  15. nothing to do with being scared,more to do with daddy being a doctor,or barrister or about not going to the right school.rugger buggers pisss me off,its a great game but ruined by tossers at the grass roots level dont know what its like where you are but where i am if you dont have the right accent youre not in the club.

    ps; this is not an opinion its fact,from many,many first hand experiences.

  16. rugby is a game for men with funny shape balls !!!

  17. No, though i`m not going to say anything bad about rugby and i do watch it sometimes, football is far more exciting.

  18. atleast ten minutes of every football match is spent with guys rolling on the floor hurt or pretending to be hurt. so i would say yes. mind you i could see wayne rooney pickinng up a rugby ball and running in like a pro. or do you remember didier desai that played for france football he was huge! apart from that i generaly think football players would be horrified to find then self on the end of a 100 meter against chabal.

  19. yes i think you are right

  20. No, rugby began when thier school didn't have the funds to keep thier ball inflated properly. It's ghetto football, but fun to watch.

  21. no. i play football. i'd love to play rugby. I definately have the physicallity for it. like to throw my weight about on the football pitch.

    I aint scared. I could take alot of rugby players.

    so to sum up. you are not correct.

  22. Does that mean that Rugby is a game for those who are too scared to take up all in wrestling then?

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