
Is football season the most wonderful time of the year?

by  |  earlier

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My liver is starting to do deep knee bends in anticipation for the upcoming season.




  1. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.


  2. I love my Raiders and Patriots.

  3. No, no it is not.

    When the new series of 90210 starts, THAT will be the most wonderful time of the year.

    Oh s***w it.  I'm gonna block myself now.

  4. Well I don't think so to me it is baseball. But maybe you will be able to cheer for one of your teams again huh?

  5. It is one of many wonderful times. I think the overlapping of football and baseball is a great great time.

  6. heck yes. gives me something to looks foreward. plus i like it more since my fav team won last time!!! go giants

  7. My 2 sons are both playing varsity this year and the Crimson Tide is looking good!  I looooove football season!

  8. I'm not sportsy so i am in no position to answer this.

    glad to help



  9. Timinator--I might have to block you.

  10. h**l yeah it is!! College football especially! Gig 'em Aggies... and, *ahem* Roll Tide!!! ...just kidding, I can't do that!... Go Dawgs!!

  11. ♥h**l to the yes

    It's my favorite season!

  12. You bet'cha it is.  Every time there's a big game on TV, all the idiots are off the road, and it's easy getting a parking space at Target.

    (SweetyBit... that was cold...  I think I love you)

  13. its awesome  i luv to watch thte steelers :)

  14. yes it is !!!!!!

  15. Yes it is.  It is Bear season here in Chicago except you can not hunt these Bears as they are hunting anyone not a Bears fan

  16. yeah i love this time of year

  17. Nope.

    Harvest time is!

    heh heh heh!

  18. Everything is better during football season, I love wearing any steeler gear down the street and random people will start talking to me about the team.  It is not the same when I wear some pirates stuff.  There is nothing better than football season.

  19. I guess. I like the whole year (baseball then football then basketball)

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